Are Dairy Products Really Good for Us? Part 3

Continued from Part 2


With all the chemicals, antibiotics and hormones in milk, it is important to ask if milk is really as good for us as the dairy industry would have us believe.

The truth is that it can be if you are willling to pay more for milk and other dairy products which are produced along more natural and less commercial lines.

Milk is a healthy food choice when it comes from cows that are grass-fed, like Jerseys and Guernsey, not modern Holsteins which are forced to over-produce. The good bacteria and healthy diet in the grass-fed cattle reduce the risk of milk-producing infections.

This milk is usually not pasteurized, killing off all of the benefits of the milk, since the cows are better kept. using modern day hygienic practices to help ensure clean and safe production.

Because this milk is not homogenized either, the calcium remains intact and allows our bodies to absorb more of the nutrients we need. Of course, the milk tastes different than we are used to because all of the nutrients were processed out of it. It will have more flavor and a stronger taste. It will also be full fat, not skim (you can get around this by just adding filtered water to consume fewer calories per glass).


Continued in Part 4


Are Dairy Products Really Good for Us? Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Now that the dairy industry has become so high-tech, it is time to take a look at what we are really drinking and eating when we consume dairy products in the US.

Problems with Milk

Most dairy found in grocery stores is terrible for your health, because it comes from cows that are fed high-protein grains and are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics to increase productivity. Everything they are putting into the cow gets transferred into your milk, for you to consume. The dairy industry stresses the importance of calcium, but are hormones and antibiotics good for us too?

Are we really getting any nutritional naturally from the milk we drink? The answer is no. They are all being added afterwards, using man-made supplements.

Many dairy producers use pasteurized and homogenized milk to produce their dairy products. These processes remove the proteins from milk, and many of the nutrients too, making them un-useful for your body, and in some cases making them even border on being harmful.

Because these enzymes are broken down at high temperatures, they destroy phosphatase, which is an enzyme that helps your body absorb the calcium found in milk. It also destroys the vitamins B12, B6 and C, while killing off all of the good bacteria in the milk.

Homogenization of milk alters the fatty contents and good cholesterol found in milk, making it easier to form free radicals, which can cause cancer (see Carolyn Stone”s guide on Antioxidants and Free Radicals for more information).

Producers homogenize the milk to give it a more universal texture and to keep globules of fat from floating to the surface (think about the layer of film produced on the top of buttermilk). It is all for cosmetic purposes, and really has nothing to do with how good the milk is for you.

Cows are often bred to have an overactive milk supply, so that farmers can get the most out of the cow as possible, exploiting them under harmful conditions. Constantly milking them can lead to health problems and infection in the cows, including mastitis as well as milk duct infections. To solve this problem, cows are just fed more antibiotics and hormones in order to keep producing. But in the meantime, all the infection, antibiotics and hormones are all going into the milk we drink. Does this sound like milk is good for you?

Continued in Part 3


Are Dairy Products Really Good for Us? Part 1


The push for increasing calcium in your diet has been on the agenda of dairy producers for the last ten years. All we have been hearing about is drinking more milk and eating more dairy to increase our calcium levels.

While calcium is good for you, the dairy industry has become just that, a real industry, very different from the once humble farm who used to go out to milk each of his beloved named cows, Elsie, Daisy, by hand.

Now we have huge factory farms in which the cows never see the light of day, let alone a patch of grass, and are being pumped full of all sorts of man-made substances in order to increase their productivity to far more than the usual few gallons of milk a day.

Milk is also a perishable product-that is, it will spoil.  However, rather than cry over spoiled milk, the dairy industry is finding all new ways to sell milk to us, in cheese, yogurt, long life milk, evaporated milk, cheese strings, and even pre-packaged chocolate milk, refrigerated, or in little travel bottles that can be taken anywhere.

Almost all of these forms of dairy that do not come right out of the udder and into your glass will be treated with chemicals of some kind in order to preserve them. Then there is the process of treating even ordinary milk itself before if ever gets to your grocer, let alone your table.


Continued in Part 2
