Get up and get moving

Young Woman Exercising On Mat In Front Of Television
Pain and stiffness are often the result of not getting up and moving around enough. Then when we do try to move, our body has become frozen in habitual postures such as sitting at our desk or in front of the TV.

The best way to stay fit and supple is to get up and get moving, even if it is only for a few minutes a day, several times a day. Try these methods and see how well you start to feel.

Stand and stretch
This gets the blood flowing and muscles moving.

Get 10,000 steps per day
This can all add up as you go through your daily routine. Use a pedometer to keep track. Enjoy a walk after dinner and look for chances to walk up and down the stairs rather than use an elevator or escalator.

Marching in place
This is a more cost-effective option than the standing desk or treadmill desk and can be done anywhere. It works well when when you are talking on the phone so long as you aren’t distracting the other people in the office and are not breathing heavily down the phone at your clients and customers. Wear a pedometer so it counts towards your 10,000 steps per day.

Try yoga
There are many poses to choose from, all of which use the weight of your body to keep you toned and trim.

The whole point of ballet is to make smooth and controlled movements that strengthen your arms and legs in particular. Do simple exercises in the office or use your desk or chair as a ballet barre.

There’s no need to pump iron
Use ordinary things around the house as your workout gear. Try bottles of water or cans as light weights. You can also invest in a set of resistance bands, which you can take with you anywhere and use as needed.

Belly dancing
It is fun and good exercise, and gives you a solid core and strong back. It can also help you bring out your inner goddess.

Try these methods in rotation throughout the week and you should never get bored while you get fit.


Getting More Done and Staying Healthier

We all have a busy schedule. The trick is to learn how to get more done and still stay healthy. Here are some top tips.

1. Use a timer
I use a timer for everything in my house. I’ll set the timer for 25 minutes of work, a 5 minute break, then another 25 minutes. I do the 25 minutes 3 times and then give myself a 30 minute break. Then I repeat throughout the day. I try to work 9 to 5 so I don’t get burned out.

2. Wear comfortable shoes
They give good support to help keep you going throughout the day. Give up the high heels and if you are working from home, don’t loll around barefoot.

3. Avoid letting chores pile up for weekends
You deserve some time off with friends and family. There’s no sense in letting laundry, shopping and so on ruin your day off. Get them done during the week. As soon as your machine is full, or your hamper, do the wash. Shop during off times at the supermarket to cut down on crowd and queues.

4. Outsource as needed
You can’t do it all yourself. Outsource a task to someone on fiverr if you can’t do it yourself, you take a long time to do it, or it does not add significantly to your income.

5. Master Make and Freeze Cooking
This method of cooking save time, money and effort. It ensures you will always have something healthy to eat as well, if you choose your recipes wisely. Cook a meal,and freeze the leftovers. Cook one day, and you could have a month’s worth of recipes depending on the size of your family. Not everything freezes well, though, so be sure to get some good books on the subject. Check out the Make and Freeze Spotlight for some suggestions.

6. Work 10,000 steps into your day
This should be pretty easy. Get a pedometer. It will track you throughout the day.

7. Have an Accountability partner
If you set a weight loss goal, for example, have someone like your doctor hold you accountable. It’s one of the main reasons Weight Watchers works.

Try these time saving and fitness tips and see what a difference they make to your health and productivity.


What to do if you are struggling to lose weight

Feet on a bathroom scale – Isolated[/caption]There a number of reasons why people become overweight, but few of them have to do with being ‘greedy.’ In many cases, weight gain is actually the result of confusing information about what to eat and not eat, and what exercise routines work best.

Here’s the secret: The best workout routine? The one you stick to.
The best diet? The one you can live with long term without feeling miserable and starved.

Your starting point should be where you are right now. When is the last time you got on the scale, and what did it say? If the answer is ‘way too much’ and shocked you, it is time to set a target weight goal and start working towards it. Of, if you have a special occasion on your calendar you want to look great for, like a wedding or class reunion, set a target weight or clothing size to reach by the time the event rolls around, and see how great you will look and feel when you achieve your goal.

Yes, it will take work, and losing weight is only part of the process. Adding activity to your day will help you burn the calories you do eat. Lean, toned muscle will burn calories more efficiently than flabby ones. Even if you hate to break a sweat, there are many different activities you can enjoy that will help you firm up your body as you drop the pounds.

You deserve to be your best self. So dust off the scale, get out a little notebook to keep track of it and your target weight and goals, and start adding more activity to your daily routine, even if it is just a walk around the block to start with.

You CAN do it. And here are a couple of suggestions that can help:

The 3-Week Diet

Old School, New Body


Learning To Say No to Take Better Care of Yourself

If you are like most women, you have probably bee tuaght to be ‘nice’ and a ‘people pleaser’. The trouble with this is that everyone else will be pleased EXCEPT you!

If you are feeling like a pressure cooker about to explode, or as if you are running on an empty fuel tank, it’s time to practice saying NO.

Piling On Stress

Not being able to say no can greatly contribute to elevated stress and poor physical health. Trying to do too much is a fast way to get burned out. It can add to chronic stress, and people who cannot say no are usually the first to fall victim to bad health.

It is important to understand your own boundaries and limitations. While helping others is important, you have to take care of yourself first in order to be able to care for anyone else. This means sometimes saying no to friends and family, in order to maintain an optimal level of health and wellness for yourself.

Feelings Of Obligation

This is by far the most common cause of resentment between people, because they are basically “forced” to say yes whether or not they want to. Maybe the person asking did a major favor for you in life, maybe it is a family member you can’t avoid, but either way, they keep coming to you over and over again.

If this is the case, you need to ask yourself “When have I paid them back in full?” You can make it clear that you appreciate what they did in the past but you’ve done a lot since and are on you own path and mission in life. With so few waking hours in the day, you need to follow your path.

Enabling Behavior

Learning to say no is important so you don’t enable others to commit bad behavior. If you never say no to a child, for example, they will become very spoiled and impossible to deal with.

From friends begging you for a loan to fuel their unnecessary spending, to people asking you to go out drinking with them when you suspect they have an alcohol problem, it is in their best interests to say no, and mean it.

Avoid Suffering in Silence

There have undoubtedly been numerous times when you have sat in silence, suffering and fuming. This is not healthy. You might not be able to control other people, but you CAN control the way you react to others. You might hate confrontation, but sometimes it is the only way to effect positive change in your life.


NO is NOT a bad word. It is actually one of the healthiest choices you can make. You deserve to be your best self and live your best life. That being the case, practice saying it in front of a mirror. No, I’m sorry will give you the freedom you are longing for.

One final point-do NOT give a reason. That would leave the door open to them trying to get around you and make you say yes. Say no, and mean it. End of discussion. You will be a lot happier and healthier once you master this.


Choosing the Best Business Entity for Your New Small Business

Starting your own business can be an exciting time in your life, but not one to be entered into lightly. One of your biggest decisions will be , but what type of business entity should you use? There are advantages and disadvantages to every type of structure.

The key is to consider your needs and then simply match them to the business entity that makes the most sense depending on the kind of small business you wish to run.

Forming a business properly will give you tax advantages, and protection from identity theft. You will not have to give anyone your social security number online, for example, in order to get paid for your products and services. So which business entity is right for you? Let’s look at the most common structures for the small business owner:

1. Sole proprietorship.
With a sole proprietorship, legally, you have no separation from the business. You would report the business income as personal income. Also, the business debts and liabilities are your debts and liabilities.

2. Partnership.
This is essentially the same as a sole proprietorship, but with more than one business owner. Sole proprietorships and partnerships make the best sense for smaller service businesses (little business debt) and those with limited assets.

* If you’re going to be selling products, you’ll have inventory. Inventory typically means debt, since there is usually a period of time before the bill comes due.

* Be careful about using a partnership or sole proprietorship in this situation. If you can’t pay your bills, everything is fair game for the bill collectors, including your house, car, bank accounts, and other assets.

3. Limited Liability Company (LLC).
A limited liability company separates the owner from debts, liabilities, and legal judgments against the business. In theory, any claims against your business could not result in you losing your personal property or assets.

* It’s smart to consult an attorney to set up your LLC in such a way that no court would be able to “lift the veil” of separation between your corporation and your personal assets.

* For tax purposes, an LLC is handled the same as a sole proprietorship or partnership. Your business income is reported as personal income. However, there are a significant number of tax deductions you would be allowed to take compared with filing a personal return.

4. C-Corporation or S Corporation.
From a liability standpoint, a corporation is similar to a limited liability corporation. Your personal assets are safe from your business-related issues. However, for tax purposes, the business is taxed separately from personal income. The business itself is taxed.

* You would be taxed for whatever salary or bonus you receive. This would be considered personal income.

* Corporations and limited liability companies make a lot of sense for owners that have a real risk of being sued, or the possibility of creating a lot of business debt. It is also worth considering for those that have considerable personal assets. In our litigious society, it is often not a case of IF you will get sued, but WHEN. Do not let this deter you from starting your own business, but do let it be a practical reminder to put all your protections in place from the beginning of your business in order to save a lot of trouble further on down the road.

* Corporations also allow for the issuing of stock. This means you could raise funds later if you needed to.

*Corporations are allowed many more tax deductions that an individual.

*Corporations will cost more money to set up, and there are very specific rules that need to be followed in running your corporation.

*Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, incorporating is a lot easier that it used to be and depending on what company you use, you will often get a kit with all of the paperwork and so on that you need to set up and run the corporate effeciently.

* Keep in mind that the corporate tax rate in the United States can be quite high. That’s why so many corporations have a small office in another country and declare that their headquarters. Unless you want to raise money by issuing financial instruments (stocks and bonds), the corporation structure is probably not the most beneficial choice.

5. Nonprofit. If your business will rely on donations and carry out a purpose that serves the community, you might consider a nonprofit corporation structure. Suitable purposes include educational, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes.

* The income received in the form of donations is typically not taxed.

*Non profit does not mean you make no profit. There are rules and regulations involved in how the money is earned and spent, but basically, you work it so you have a $0 balance at the end of the year.

6. Cooperative. A cooperative is very similar to a partnership and limited liability corporation. There are multiple owners with liability protection, but income is taxed as personal income. Cooperatives are all about having equal owners. One person=one vote. All income and benefits are distributed equally. This might be great if you have a range of people you can work well with, but going into business with someone else can change both of you. Do not be willing to get married if you are not prepared to also get divorced if things do not work out, in partnered life, and in business.

Setting up a business doesn’t have to be difficult. Choose the structure that best suits your needs. Some forms of business are more complicated and expensive to set up than others. Check out all the details before making your decision and get some expert help.


Do you have life insurance?

One of the main changes in US society as a result of the recession that hit in October 2008 is that women now make up nearly half the workforce. Almost a third of married women are now contributing significantly to the wealth of their household by working outside the home. Countless families are now headed by women. Yet only about 25% of women have thought to take out a life insurance policy to try to protect their family from the financial shock of their untimely death.

Even for those that do have insurance, they are often underinsured, which risks their family being stuck with final expenses and little to live on if her salary was to disappear overnight.

Life insurance is not just for men, and it can also be a valuable planning and investment tool to help you improve your financial future.  If you have any dependents, take some time today to look over your existing life insurance to see if you are underinsured, or start looking into the range of life insurance options to see which one makes sense for your family, situation and budget.


Buying Life Insurance-A Beginner’s Guide


Transitioning your wardrobe from summer to fall

fashion shoeSummer time is disappearing fast and fall is approaching. We know you want to make the most of your flirty summer fashions, but your light and white clothing will soon have to give way to more somber colors and heavier fabrics. But there are ways to make the transition so you do not just get to wear your summer clothes for a few weeks of the year. Instead of packing the clothes away as soon as Labor Day is over, here are a few ideas for keeping them out with the rest of your clothes and transitioning them to be useful for you in the fall as well.

* Tee shirts can still be worn on most days. If the weather is a little chilly, top with a cardigan or layer your tee over a long sleeved shirt.

* Dresses. If they are not too summery in terms of color or pattern, add a cardigan or pop a tee shirt underneath, or both.

* Shorts. Shorts with tights became the fashion several years ago, so provided they are not too summery or skimpy, you can continue to wear them into the fall. Capris can also work well to extend your wardrobe if they are not too summery in color or pattern.

* Summer shoes. Sandals may not be appropriate for very cold or wet fall days, but they are fine for an extended Indian summer. Just be sure to keep your pedicure up to date. Flats are perfect for wearing well into fall and work well with any outfit, from casual to formal, as long as they are not white.

* Summer accessories can still be used in the fall. Sunglasses can be used throughout the year. After all, just because its fall does not mean the sun isn’t still shining, and you should always try to protect your eyes. A straw hat, bag and sunglasses work well with fall colors as long as they are not too summery. If your hat has a ribbon on it, you can always change it to something darker and more autumnal, for a whole new look.

* Mini skirts are a staple in the summer time, and can be carried over into fall with the addition of tights and high boots. The resulting fashion statement will show great fashion sense and will leave others wondering why they haven’t tried it. Again, just avoid wearing white or any overly summery patterns.

* Accessories are a staple to any outfit in any season. Utilize scarves and darker purses with your summer wardrobe and the change will create a fresh, pleasing effect.

*Shawls and shrugs. These are handy for adding an extra layer and keeping the chill off. Adding one can create a whole new look to your tee shirt or top or your dresses.

Wearing your summer items for longer makes sure you will get more value of them and not feel you are going to be stuck in winter woolies for the next nine months until summer rolls around again.
