There is No Prince Charming or Mr. Right, Part 2

There is No Prince Charming or Mr. Right, Part 2

So now that you know there is no perfect prince charming for you, your reality colored glasses can help you find a fabulous guy if you’re prepared to put in the effort.


If you decide to try online dating, try to keep an open mind. Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now are of course two different people, but to mix my metaphors, sometimes it’s not the destination that’s important, its the journey. Even if you don’t meet any fantastic guys for romance, you might end up with some good times and new friends along the way. But you’ll never know if you don’t put yourself out there and try.

Find an online dating site that fits your needs, that has the kind of people you think you’re going to be interested in. Some sites are religious in orientation, some are organized along racial lines. the main sites competing for your attention on the TV ads have a larger number of people to choose from, and also more carefully developed rules and support, so when you are trying to decide, look around the site to see how professional it looks. Don’t just post personal things on any old site.

Once you’ve found a site you like, you will need to answer some basic questions, and write a great profile. You will also have to post a flattering picture. Soon your matches will start coming in, and you can start contacting eligible men on the site, and they will begin contacting you. Enjoy meeting them online, and take it slowly.

Get to really know them before you decide to talk on the phone or meet, and even then, make sure it’s only for something stress-free like coffee rather than a nerve-wracking ‘date’. And make sure to take every precaution for your own personal and internet safety–never post anything you would be embarrassed for friends or other people who know you to ever see.

So to recap what you will need to do to start off on a successful trip into the world of online dating:

Do your research to finding a good site/s to join
Fill out their questionnaire/s
Write a great profile
Post a fab picture
Be honest about who you are and what you are looking for
Be respectful of people’s time and feelings when you communicate
Be safe and sensible both online and offline

Following these few simple could pay off big dividends in the online dating worlds. Mr. Prince Among Men, or Mr. Close-Enough-to-Right could be a few clicks away.

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