Coupons Can Be Your Best Friend, Part 1

Part 1.

Ever wonder what it would be like to get paid for buying what you were going to buy anyway? For instance, you walk into the store for a loaf of bread and walk out with a couple of extra bucks as well as your bread?

This is what it is like if you use coupons and also shop the sales in your local supermarkets and also your chain drugstores, many of which are now starting to carry a lot more food items and paper products at really good sale prices.

Combining a coupon with an already low sales price is almost like getting the item for free.

Coupon using can be a hard and stressful work, but thanks to online sites and emails from the manufacturer, plus sale flyers online that allow you to click the items to add them to your grocery list makes it easier than ever before to save money through clipping and using coupons.

The main rule with coupons is only to clip the ones for items that you use regularly. It is nice to try new things once in a while, but coupons are really no bargain if you are spending more in the end than you normally would.

If you do not spend that much time online, now is the time to start. You will also want to get any Sunday newspaper coupon supplements and cut out what you need.

Once you do that, you need to organize them.

Organize Getting a simple binder with plastic pockets, such as 2 pockets per sheet, can help you use all your coupons easily. Be sure to bring pen, paper, calculator to work out a unit price, and your list.

Also consider that when an item is on sale and you are using a coupon, the price may actually be cheaper than the warehouse club price, so be vigilant and look for the best deals.

and also protects your valuable pen, calculator and even cash stored in the nifty side pockets.

Continued in Part 2.
