Oprah shuns Sarah Palin

According to the Blog MommyLife:


Oprah shuns Sarah Palin

“There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. At the beginning of this Presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates. I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over.”

Oprah, who has endorsed Obama wholeheartedly, has hosted Obama twice — in January, 2005 and again in October, 2006.”

This is complete hypocrisy.

I lost my respect for Oprah when she publicly endorsed him before anyone even knew who he was and made him a media rock star. It is ironic that they are now scrambling to hog as much media air time as they can to make sure she does not get any airplay. Even more amusing is the fact that his own advisors have said they can’t let Sarah Palin ‘steal his story’ of humble origins to meteoric rise.

She has been on the national stage for 4 days. Obama for months. He never would have got where he did without Oprah and he knows it. So to have Sarah Palin on would be to risk undoing all the damage to the little darling.

As Sarah Palin said, this is a man who has written two memoirs, but never AUTHORED a single piece of important legislation.

As John McCain said, Obama is a person who is running for president because a-he wants to WIN; b-he thinks it is HIS time and place in history, not that he wants to govern and lead and serve this country. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Obama has proven he will say or do anything to get elected.

His supposedly magnificent speech was everying HILLARY CLINTON argued for when she was running, education, health care. In fact, she has spent her whole life working for those things. Not just paying lip service to them.

No, it is not enough to say that it just shows they are both Democrats. It shows that SHE was the one who would have been able to lead from day one.

Obama may well have 300 foreign policy advisors. Perhaps they flip, he flops? Or is he just cynically manipulating the American people to get what HE wants? He changes position so often watching him is like watching a tennis match.

Oprah said it was not about race, that she was not that small and petty. Well, honey, it sure seems like you ARE small now by not welcoming Sarah Palin on your show to tell her story. Or John McCain. Or Cindy McCain. Or Hillary Clinton.They are certainly a lot more interesting that Obama. Why? Because it is all about HIM. With H. Clinton, Palin and the two McCains, it is all about helping OTHERS.

You talk about giving back? How about just giving fairly?


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