Obama’s End–Just In Time, Too

It is ludicrous that any presidential candidate in the age of media could be given so much adulation, only to fall so very far down the slippery slope as to not get any traction even when he is trying his hardest not to get wrong-footed again.

Obama and Oprah would make a hell of a winning ticket. But the media darlings are not made of the same stuff, and boy, is it starting to show.

Just listen to what everyone has said about Obama who has had to work closely with him in Illinois. NONE of them have anything 100% positive to say about him. They interview loads of them on ABC and CBS. NONE of them.

In fact, he was so arrogant, that he told the head of the democratic party in that state, that “he was the most powerful man in the world,” because he was about to make Barack Obama the first black president of the US.

The fact that this congressman was also African American, and 20 years his senior, didn’t faze him–don’t you think THAT Rep wanted to be the first AA president himself? Audicity of Hope? Jumped up little toad, more like.

Do you seriously think, if Oprah had kept her mouth shut, that Obama would have won Iowa? Or any other state? No.

And now, less than 3 months into an electoral campaign that Hillary Clinton has been basically running for 3 years, since Bush got his second term (God knows how), Obama can’t stand up to media scrutiny.

He has no policies, he has stolen his speeches from other people, he screams racism every time anyone DARES criticize him, or things don’t go his way and he want to blow smoke.

What Ferraro said is NOT wrong or racist, and to claim it is, is just another example of his lack of trustworthiness and willingness to do or say anything to get where he wants to be (note all the sarcastic barbs about Bill’s sex life he’s spewed out, THEN talk to me about him running a ‘positive campaign’ and her a negative one!)

Edwards, Richardson, have paid their political dues for MANY years and are damned fine men, but they are not in the race any more, now are they?

Kucinich and the others, ALL experienced politicians, all out of the race.

So how is it Obama is where his is now, and Edwards, of all people, is out?

THAT is what Ferraro meant, and that is why Clinton did  not call for her resignation. Because once again, what she said was FACTUAL, not pointlessly negative, as, for example, when she was called a monster.

Yes, Obama was compared to Starr.  Starr hounded the Clintons for YEARS, and came up with NOTHING to pin on them.

Just because they said it, does not mean it is true, but crap does have an unfortunate tendency to stick.

The Clintons are not, and never have been racist, yet every time they open their mouth, he shouts foul, without even bothering to address his sexism-‘claws out,’ for example. She’s a ‘personable woman’ but “prone to tears.”

Clinton used the phrase fairy tale to describe Obama’s nonsense, a re-writing of history that never happened. What did Obama say-that B Clinton was REALLY saying that a black president in this country was a fairy tale. NOT true, and he knows it.

H Clinton tried to explain that politicians worked together to bring about real change–she is historically correct, but who listened. They only  heard Obama’s lies and half-truths and the word racism. IF any one is DIVISIVE in the party or the country, it has been him.

They were all complaining she HAD no emotions, so she shows them, and is accused of using them for political capital!

Obama couldn’t be more of a Republican patsy if he tried. He is serving to split Clinton’s solid historic base, when everyone in that party has umpteen polls showing that if he were to run against McCain tomorrow, he would LOSE.

Above all, I am stunned at his hypocrisy, and even more stunned H. Clinton does not slap him right back on his audicious ass. He DARES to say that HE would have protested the war back in 2002.

Speaking as a pacificist who spoke my mind back then, that we were ALL getting SNOWED by Bush, I was viciously attacked by everyone as ‘unpatriotic’ even liberally minded people, such was the convincing job that Bush pulled on the American people.

Wouldn’t have voted in favor, my butt. Far more talented and intelligent people than Obama were hounded out of politics 6 years ago for daring to say anything even remotely anti-war. Yes, H. Clinton DID vote in favor of the war, nearly ALL of them did. Why? She was lied to! We ALL were.

Telling us that she should have seen through the extent of the lies is like saying we should have all known how Bush stole the White House from Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 thanks to Florida and Ohio.

They have repeated again in the news this week the fact that there was NO connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda, which the 9/11 commission published in 2004. And as early as 2003. Google it if you don’t believe me. NO connection. NONE.

The Bush admininstration has demonstrably been proven to have lied about all of this time and time again, and yet anyone who mentions a troop withdrawal timetable is seen as naïve. Since there was no need for the troops to be in there in the first place, why keep them there??

Why the hell aren’t we all baying for Bush’s blood?

No one died when Bill Clinton lied. It was a sexual peccadillo, not a war that is costing us $12 billion a month!!

Do the math! There are only about 370 million Americans in the USA. How much would we all be better off without a war. What could that money be used for?

The only people profitting from the war are the arms manufacturers and dealers.

Why are we not impeaching Bush/why didn’t we in 2004?

Hindsight is always 20/20 of course, but it is just one more reason to make sure that we have a strong president in the White House, and Obama is NOT it.

He should take his marbles to some other playground because he is so outclassed he might as well try to play his game somewhere else.

Anyone with half a brain not carried away by the buzzword ‘change’ will see he is not only more of the same, he is an inferior version of it.

Really, Obama, scaring people with ‘monsters’ under the bed thanks to your foreign policy advisor? Off the record, pal, you are still living in your ‘heir to Kennedy’s Camelot’ fairy tale, but the rest of us have to live in the real world.

And there be dragons all right, but the worst one sure isn’t Hillary!

Maybe he can try to grow up and fight head to head on REAL issues, not make up what was or wasn’t said, done, or meant by his colleague in the Democratic party, which he claims to be a member of.

But we are running out of time to fight the McCain dragon, and Obama is running out of momentum, especially now that we can all see just what he is really made of. One puff had blown his house down.

Look at the sleazy revelations about his campaign funding today he is finally getting around to disclosing. The guy is gong to jail, he disavows any knowledge. Then he has the gall to say no one ever asks him for personal favors, or vice versa?

He gets into the senate, his wife gets a huge salary increase at her hospital job and he tried to earmark money for it.

He may be only a junior senator but he sure does have the wheeling and dealing down pat.

His pastor rants about 9/11, he knows nothing, or he was not in Church that day. Plausible deniability when he isn’t even near the White House yet? It’s despicable.

Please, for the sake of this country, let’s all stop wasting time on this guy and let Hillary Clinton start running hell for leather for the White House.

Because once she gets there, she will keep on pushing forward to make this country a better place for us all, not just with words and audacity and mere hope, but real action.

And in case you are wondering, NO, I am NOT a long time Clinton supporter, and I never have been. I would have wanted Edwards for president. But we need someone who is going to hit the ground running on day one, not spend all their time fending off attacks as we get to dig deeper once the dazzling is gone, and discover we’ve been sold a pack of lies that naive first time young voters are swallowing hook, line and sinker.


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