More on the Gibson and Palin interview

As they said on ABC’s Good Morning America, if you asked 500 current white house staffers the Bush doctrine point that Sarah Palin was asked in her interview that she is now being mocked for, most would not know the answer.

And most Americans would disagree with it, if they knew what it was and seriously thought he believed it. There is a difference between tough talk, and tough action.

As for the Google media coverage and headlines,

When I went to Google News to look, I saw a whole slew of articles.

Charles Krauthammer: Palin steals Obama’s fading spotlight

ABC’s Gibson grilled Palin hard, but it may backfire

Palin and Gibson re-enact ‘High Noon’ in Alaska

and others with more or less opinionated comments

Many of the articles listed are written by men, by the way, but several of the men ALSO complained about Gibson’s attitude, sexism, and ‘grilling’ behavior, and they are certainly NOT all Republican periodicals. And NOT women!

I thought she was pretty clear–why he kept asking the same question over and over again just seemed an attempt to trip her up, not elucidate anything.

Then he said she gave him a ‘blizzard of words’ which meant he clearly was NOT listening to what she had said.

Having tried to be fair to what she was saying, I do have to say that I am concerned about unsanctioned incursions into Pakistan.

The Israel question was clearly out of line on Gibson’s part, 3 times, 3 same responses, why show it in the edit, and not some other question?

However, I have to say here that any talk of war with Iran makes me nervous–nuclear power plants are the issue here, not nuclear weapons.

If we are REALLY so concerned with them enriching uranium, to the point where we think they might stumble upon weapons grade plutonium ( a huge stumble!!) , why not do what other countries have done successfully, GIVE them the technology and technicians to run it, so it is under the West’s control. We do not need another war, this time with Iran.

And we can see why Pakistan would be nervous, not to say peeved. We bolstered the military regime of Musharraf for how long? Nearly a decade–what about THEIR freedoms?

What about Benazir Bhutto–Musharraf assassinated her before she could win the election, and the USA did NOTHING. Now her widower has won. What happens next? Do we have the right to just go into any country that we don’t agree with?

Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, Iran does not either. Do we cross borders under the guise of looking for Bin Laden and Al Qaeda?

I am also worried about the idea ‘if we have “legitimate and enough intelligence” given how much we know now about how much of his supposed legitimate and enough intelligence was manufactured in recent years.

Finally, Georgia–S Ossetia and one of their provinces want to become part of Russia. Georgia does not want them to breakaway. Both sides are therefore interfering with the autonomy of the people of the region, Russia in Chechnya, Georgia in S Ossetia.

According to Wikipedia, “Virtually the only significant economic asset that South Ossetia possesses is control of the Roki Tunnel that used to link Russia and Georgia, from which the South Ossetian government reportedly obtains as much as a third of its budget by levying customs duties on freight traffic.

“In late 2006, a large international counterfeiting operation stretching from South Ossetia was revealed by U.S. Secret Service and Georgian police.”

I am going to therefore guess that it is an important transport hub and whoever controls it has the ability to move around a lot more at will-traffic goods, drugs, weapons, whatever.

North Ossetia is in Russia, BTW. So one could say the regions want to be united.

Also Wikipedia-The tunnel, completed by the Soviet authorities in 1985, is one of only a handful of routes that cross the North Caucasus Range.

Clearly it is strategically important to both sides; the lives lost are deplorable, and I have to say, I WOULD like to see us live in a world where war is NOT the first solution, but the last resort.

Good luck getting Putin to see that side of things, but I am glad Palin said it.

Gibson just dismissed her point to make one of his own.

My point-she did well all things considered, but she clearly needs to study faster and harder.

On the other hand, no one except a rare few people ever want to be Pres or VP when they grow up, and start planning it from the moment they can talk.

I think Obama IS one of those people, so he is pretty upset that, in the words of quite a few commentators, Palin is now ‘eating Obama’s lunch’

The ABC ratings are soaring, but in summarizing all i have read, Gibson actually seems to have come off the worse of the two despite her obvious missteps (which might not have been so obvious, or looked like such missteps, had the editing been different?)

I did not see the domestic policy interview, but they said she did a lot better there.

I also saw several headlines about ABC ‘planning what to do’ about the tapes–which means they are all being edited–whatever way it suits them to edit it. I used to make films and can tell you I could splice tape to a hair’s breadth. With digital media, you can make a person look or sound like they are literally saying anything.

I am not being paranoid, I am just saying, if the edits last night were anything to go by, we are definitely being given what they want us to see.

I want to hear about the issues, not what journalists think I should be allowed to hear about the issues.


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