Disappointed in Obama? We Sure Are!

I am amazed by the latest fund-raising gambit from the Obama campaign.

In it he asks people to PROVE he is not out of touch with mainstream America by donating even more money to his campaign.

If he knew anything about ordinary working people, he would know that money is tight at the moment for everyone, PLUS a lot of us have had to file a little old thing called our taxes, and some of us owe money and don’t have the spare cash laying around to ‘prove’ he knows what he is talking about.

Even more ridiculous, is how ‘disappointed’ he is in Hillary for trying to use his appalling insensitivity. Really, as if he would not have jumped on this himself if she had ever been been so naive and gauche? Oh, yes, the man is a saint and choir boy-in his own mind.

So let’s get at the real truth, however unpalatable:

A lot of Americans are disappointed in YOU, Mr. Obama. Even life-long Democrats who can’t even imagine how bad another 4 years of Republican rule would be. We are disappointed because while you are undoubtedly a powerful speaker, you have failed to listen to ordinary Americans, and really HEAR them. All you hear is your own rhetoric and ambition. You are an empty suit! Sorry, but there it is.

We need a leader who is willing to learn from his or her own mistakes. You keep making the same ones over and over. And you have not even got anywhere near the Presidency yet.

You are also so divisive, you have basically threatened that if you are not on the ticket in November, ‘your’ people will not go out to vote.

No wonder people accuse you of arrogance.

You have done everything you can to stop the voters of Michigan and Florida from seating their delegates, or reaching any sort of amicable solution about them, and then have the nerve to claim you are a Democrat?

The people of Pennsylvania are the next to vote. For the sake of this country, if you lose that primary by a substantial margin, do this whole country a favor, and step aside.

Because if you can’t even take the heat within your own party over your dismissive and crass remarks, you will be fried to a cinder by the Republicans long before Election Day.

And don’t you dare ask for even more money to place even more ads to try to dupe people into thinking anything is going to change under your presidency, when you can’t even address the issues of this country in a serious and meaningful way. Let alone use your own errors as an opportunity to attack your opponents, or to try to scare people into donating by claiming it is the only way to avoid getting ‘more of the same.’

Bill Clinton was an exceptionally popular and excellent president. 75% of people polled said they would have elected him to a third term if it had been possible. People do NOT want anything to do with the Bush administration, and rightly so. But you are not the only game in town. And yes, there is a lot wrong with this country at the minute. But don’t blame others for YOUR own errors and failings.


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