17 ways to shrink your daily expenses 1

Part 1.

In these challenging economic times, everyone is looking for even more ways to cut back financially.  Here are some ideas to help you pinch your pennies until they scream.


1-Be your own barista.

Going to your favorite coffee shop is an expensive detour on your way to work, with a lot of calories as well in most cases.  So why not brew the coffee yourself? Many popular coffee shops sell their house blends in bulk at their coffee bars and in local supermarkets. Find the brand you like, get some low-fat cream or whipped cream and flavored syrups, powedered cinnamon and nutmeg, if you really can’t live without these treats, and enjoy home made hot drinks for pennies compared to the $6 cups down the street!


2-Use a water filter.

For just a few dollars, you can buy a reusable filtered-water pitcher, or even choose a more elaborate filtered water system. These are investments that will pay for themselves when weighed against the cost of continually buying (and lugging home!) bottled water.

Also, now that we know about the dangers of BPA in plastic bottles, you will be glad to avoid drinking out of bottles from now on.


3-Watch sodas.

Sodas cost money, especially when purchased at convenience stores or in vending machines. Consider switching to water, or buy your soft drinks from the grocery or discount store. You can also get a soda system to make your own carbonated drinks for pennies compared to what it would cost, and save calories too.


4-Limit your alcohol.

We don’t even want to think about how much local hang out places charge for a beer or wine these days, let alone hard liquor. If you enjoy a drink or two, why not take turns hosting at your friends’ houses. Shop at factory outlet stores and look for bargains in unlikely places, like drug store chains.

Better still, try to cut back on drinking,”and put the money you save in a coffee can for something else, like a vacation or staycation for a treat for you and the whole family/your friends.

Even if you don’t quit totally, cutting back on your drinking is good for your budget, and your diet!


5-Stop smoking cigarettes.

Don’t even go there on the loooong list of reasons why you should quit. If you haven’t, at least cut back, and look to buying them online at a discount. Never pay full price in supermarkets or convenience stores. If you are quitting, once again, put the saved cash aside in a coffee can for an emergency fund or special treat to look forward to, and see how fast it all starts adding up.


Continued in Part 2.
