Book Review: Weekend Warriors by Fern Michaels

1.0 out of 5 stars What editor in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

This is absolutely the worst book I have ever read. The writing is like that of a two year old, the characters; motivations as well. Nothing rings true, not even the anger or desire for revenge over the sexual assault they have suffered Terrible, trite writing like this devalues the experience of every single woman who has ever been raped, and also every woman who has lost a child to a hit and run driver. This isn’t entertainment on any level, and there is certainly nothing morally uplifting about this overwrought tripe.
The woman in question who is raped is not only raped, she is raped and sodomized in front of her husband who is handcapped and can’t help her. Talk about laying on the sensationalism with a trowel.

I am appalled that this book was published, even more shocked to see that it is part of a series-apparently a seven book series all about women getting even. Really, if they are going to act even worse than the men who done them wrong, what is the point, exactly?

This book was brief enough, printed in large print, I doubt it was even 50,00 words, but however many it was, it was way too many for me. It was predictable, overwrought, and just shows that publishers will do anything for sensationalism, and for new ‘product’, a book with a prominent writers name on it.

And this author has the gall to think she has invented a new genre, ‘the man in peril’. I think everyone offended by this book should complain to the publisher, and perhaps the rest of these extremely offensive series will be confined to the trash heap.


How they can surgically castrate the three men, leave their testicles in plastic bags, and then find it FUNNY when the men turn up at a doctor’s office (not the hospital?) to ask to have them put back, is just too sick for words. And the doctor’s secretary selling the story to the tabloids for $50000 is even more sick. Avoid this loser of a series if you have any taste or sense.

378 words


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