17 ways to shrink your daily expenses 2

Part 2.

6-Always  make a grocery list before heading out.

Do this before you go into the store and then do your best to stick to it. You’d be surprised by how much you buy on impulse.

Having one master list of all your most important items listed in the order in which they appear in the store and then copying and circling what you need  will help keep your expenditure down, and alos stop you from straying into aisle full of unnecessary and often expensive temptations.


7-Eat food that’s in season.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but in these days of world markets and produce shipped from such faraway places as Costa Rica, buying in-season is more important than ever. Apples, pears, even strawberries are all much cheaper when they are in season.

If you have a large quantity, share it out with friends and family, or preserve it.

If you still want to buy produce that’s out of season, consider frozen fruits and veggies,”sometimes they’re more reasonably priced.


8-Shop at local markets or farm trucks.

Because they don’t have to deal with shipping costs, chances are you’ll find better prices on produce,”and fresher food!  If you buy in bulk, share it out with friends and family,or preserve it.


9-Avoid last-minute stops at mini-markets.

While these places are convenient, the prices for most items there are also higher than at larger stores.


10-Buy store brands.

Store brands can often save you 30 to 40% over name brands. And often, they are produced by the same factory anyway.


11-Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.

Everything looks good then, and your budget goes completely out the window.


Continued in Part 3.


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