Healthy Homemade Soups on the Go Part 1

In this day and age it can be hard to eat healthy. With your busy schedule, especially if you have children, many people find it easier to grab whatever is available and the quickest  way to assuage their hunger, and deal with the health consequences later.

With the following tips for soups on the go, you’ll learn how to make sure that the food you grab is healthy, and satsifying.

The problem with dealing with the consequences of unhealthy eating habits is that later is actually sooner than you might think. Later is right now. Sadly, we are a nation of obese adults and just as many, if not more, obese children. Our unhealthy eating choices have caught up with us. You might be asking yourself, “How can I eat healthy when I’m crunched for time all the time?”

One way is to make foods that can be taken with you on the go.  One of those foods is soup. Soup is tasty, filling, and good for you anytime, but especially on a cold fall or winter day. There are hot soups and ieven cold soups which are delicious and nutritious. Many soups are good eaten cold or lukewarm.

Soups are a great choice because have high water content, so it helps you get your recommended several glases of water a day, and low energy-dense, so fewer calories. Anyone who has seen the Progresso soup commercials knows that most of their soups are 100 calories or less in what is basically half the can, a good portion, though bad for you in terms of how much sodium you are packing in.

However, there are low sodium varieties, and some soups are better for you than others.  Try to avoid cream based soups as having more calories. Soups with a lot of pasta or beans in them can also add a lot of carbs to your diet, not a good thing if you are carb sensitive.

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