Archive for Stocking The Pantry

Dairy Products are a Necessity Part 2


If you have ever been sick, chances are you have received antibiotics. These medicines attack bacteria and destroy possible infections that might occur. Our bodies need bacteria to survive and dairy products help to provide that. Acidophilus is an example of good bacteria, also called probiotics, and can be found in large quantities in all yogurts or cultured dairy products. These bacteria also attack infection, but do so by “cleaning” rather than a full frontal assault.

Daily Requirements

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, each person should have between two and three cups of dairy each day. A cup of dairy equates to one 8oz glass of milk, two slices of hard cheese, and everyone’s favorite, three full scoops of ice cream. These requirements, as set by the USDA, help to ensure that each person is getting the proper amount of calcium and other vitamins to accommodate a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

Good Decisions

Not all dairy is created equal. Protein found in dairy is roughly equivalent, no matter what form you choose, but in order to maintain a healthy weight, it is recommended to stay away from high fat content. That being said, choose dairy that is low in fat content to get the benefits of the vitamins and minerals while still watching your waist line. Make deserts, such as pudding and smoothies using dairy products that are low in fat, as well as casseroles and baked goods using low fat milk.

As always, consult with your physician before making any large changes to your diet and always follow their recommended guidelines. Having dairy in your life is a necessity to maintaining a healthy and well-balanced nutritional regiment, no matter how you slice it, or pour it, or scoop it for that matter.

Dairy Products are a Necessity Part 1

Dairy in your diet is necessary part of a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. Diets rich in milk, cheese and other forms of good bacteria have been known to provide minerals and vitamins that are essential to proper growth and development. While these are standard knowledge about dairy products, there are some things that are not so well known, but still beneficial to a well-balanced lifestyle.


Dairy products are known to provide the highest levels of calcium, protein, vitamins A and D, as well as potassium. These vitamin and mineral-rich hosts help to keep the body in balance and reduce the risk of hypertension, retaining water, as well as help maintain a weight management program. Studies have also show that high-quality dairy products may also reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.


A few years ago, there was a big push from the science-food industry to alert consumers to the fact that having dairy in your diet will help to prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis occurs when the body starts to reabsorb calcium and the bones become weakened. Bones need calcium in order to stay healthy and dairy, as already mentioned, provides one of the best sources of calcium other than dark leafy greens and some legumes.

Staples are the Heart of the Pantry Part 2

3. Cooking On A Budget – Staple foods are generally cheap. Everyone uses them so many stores mark them way down to get people in the door. Staple foods are also good when it comes to cooking on a budget. Because they are so affordable and can be used as the base to a huge number of dishes, they are great to have around in a frugal kitchen.

4. Feeding Large Groups Of People – Food is a great way to build relationships. Oddly enough, everyone likes food and they all know someone who can and should be invited to come have some; at your place. Next thing you know, the neighborhood is lined up in your living room and you were only planning to cook for two. Staple foods to the rescue. You need only look to your pantry for welcome relief. It truly is amazing how many people a couple boxes of pasta can actually feed.

5. Provide Comfort – It is amazing to look how many comfort foods came from standard pantry items. Take for instance, tomato soup and grilled cheese; or mashed potatoes and gravy; or even biscuits and jam. Most of the foods known for their ability to whisk you back to days of ole’ had to apply the same standards then, as they do today. They have to be affordable, be able to feed large groups of people, store easily and make cooking a breeze.

Staple foods are easy to store, last for a while, and make preparing a healthy dinner easy and affordable. The best thing to do is to keep your pantry filled with staple foods at all times. Doing so will make life much easier, and not to mention, will give you some peace of mind if you ever get caught in a storm.

Staples are the Heart of the Pantry Part 1

Have you ever opened your pantry 30 minutes before dinner was supposed to be ready, only to find that you were out of everything? Well, maybe not everything, but sliced almonds, cake icing and a bag of potato chips just wouldn’t cut it for a rounded meal. Staples, such as dried fruit, pasta and canned tomatoes are essential to every pantry. Without these base foods, we, as cooks, are at a loss when it comes time for dinner.

Staple foods are great for 5 reasons:

  1. Make Meal Planning Easy – It is great to have a stocked pantry. Walk over, take a quick peek inside and automatically know what you plan on cooking for the whole week. Pasta with meat sauce on Monday, Beans and Rice on Tuesday and so on. This allows you to save time when the schedule gets busy, by having food readily available that doesn’t take forever to cook.
  1. Rescue For Last Minute Meals – You forgot to take the pot roast out of the freezer this morning. It is now exactly 30 minutes until dinner time and even if you soaked the hunk of meat in boiling water, there is no way it will thaw and be able to cook by then. What to do? What. To. Do? Having your pantry stocked with staple foods allows these last minute meals to take the stress off of you. Go grab some canned chicken, salsa and some Orzo and make a Southwestern chicken pasta dish in less than 30 minutes.