Archive for Winter Foods

Stew: Not Just another Hearty Soup Part 2

When it comes to warming up, not only our bodies but our kitchens, stews are at the top of the list. Just the smell of a simmering stew spells comfort and warmth. Soups can also give us this warm feeling, but be not confused – soups and stews are very different. Both are generally cooked on top of the stove or in a crock pot and both can contain meat and vegetables, but their liquid bases are different in many ways.


The Difference Between Stews & Soups


Even though both soups and stews warm the body, there are significant differences between the two.


Soups are often water based. Milk, or even fruit juices, can also be used to make a soup base. Soups can be served warm or cold and are usually served in a bowl due to the thin liquid soups are cooked in. Soups cook quickly compared to stews, which means the addition of more spices and seasonings are often times necessary to give a soup its distinct flavor.



Stews are much thicker and their liquids are often referred to as gravy. Stews are usually served as a main course. Soups can be both a main course or served as a starter for a meal. A good stew is always served hot and can be placed on a plate rather than in a bowl due to its thicker consistency. Stews are also much richer than soups and hold well when frozen and reheated.


Soups and stews can warm you up on a cold winter day and give a little comfort to fight off the winter blues. The differences between the may be quite distinctive, but the end result is still a warm comfort and great taste. Try simmering a hearty stew to see the difference for you.


Stew: Not Just another Hearty Soup Part 1

When it comes to warming up, not only our bodies but our kitchens, stews are at the top of the list. Just the smell of a simmering stew spells comfort and warmth. Soups can also give us this warm feeling, but be not confused – soups and stews are very different. Both are generally cooked on top of the stove or in a crock pot and both can contain meat and vegetables, but their liquid bases are different in many ways.


What is Stew?


The definition of a stew is solid food cooked in resilient gravy. Solid ingredients include meats, carrots, potatoes, celery and other types of vegetables. These meats and vegetables are chopped coarsely and added to a liquid. The liquid is thickened by flour or arrowroot after the stew simmers for a period of time.


Stews are simmered over low heat. The simmering time may be 3 hours to 8 hours depending on the type of stew. This simmering process allows the flavors of the stew ingredients to intermingle with each other. Often times extra spices are not necessary to give the stew its distinct comforting flavor and smell.


Where Did Stews Originate?


It is said that stews have long been a favorite in France. The French are known for making flavorful stews that are economical. When stew first originated it was considered a food for peasants. Stews were easily made with just a few ingredients and can be a dish that is served for more than just one sitting.


It didn’t take long for stews to become a dish of distinction. Today the French pride themselves on their vibrant and hearty stews. Yet France is not alone on their love for this type of dish. Polish too have their own form of stew known as “bigos” and the Germans consider goulash their favorite type of stew. The Americans are also true lovers of a good stew.


Warm Their Bodies and Minds with Food Part 2

It’s the first snowfall of the winter and the kids are ready to go. They are covered from head to toe in warm clothes and are chomping at the bit to build that snowman. We know they are warm now, but in a few short minutes they will be chilled to the bone. Head to the kitchen and whip up something to warm both their bodies and their minds while they’re out playing.


Soups and grilled cheese sandwiches are a favorite for many children. This simple meal can be ready in no time and might be just the ticket in warming up the little ones.


There nothing like coming in out of the cold to a warm kitchen. Once the kids are in and have off all those clothes, let them help in doing some baking or lunchtime cooking. Be prepared with a cup of tea to help them warm up before they go to work on the delicious treats. Have the oven preheated so they enjoy a nice room while creating their own delicacies. This is a great way to help them get the heat back to those cold hands and feet.


Warming both the body and mind is important to keep our children healthy, happy and wise. Giving them foods and beverages they enjoy after a frolic in the cold is one way to ensure they maintain good health. Spending some time with them in a warm kitchen is one way for you to be sure they stay happy and maintain good health – both physically and mentally! 


Warm Their Bodies and Minds with Food Part 1

It’s the first snowfall of the winter and the kids are ready to go. They are covered from head to toe in warm clothes and are chomping at the bit to build that snowman. We know they are warm now, but in a few short minutes they will be chilled to the bone. Head to the kitchen and whip up something to warm both their bodies and their minds while they’re out playing.


As parents we know good nutrition is important in keeping our children’s bodies healthy. It is also an important factor in keeping their minds healthy. When children play or exercise they become famished. When this happens we make sure they have a nutritious snack to revitalize them. When they are cold this becomes even more of a necessity.


When the body becomes cold it has a tendency to “shut down.”  Adults know that if they are chilled their minds don’t function as well and neither do their bodies. It is important to give your child those warm beverages and soothing foods to help their bodies rejuvenate from the cold.


Drinks are a great way to help them warm up. Hot chocolate is always a favorite of children. Add a few marshmallows and they’ll be in heaven. Warm cider or tea can also give them the boost they need.


Incorporate a beverage into a warm meal. Chicken broth is a great way of adding a warm touch to a cold body. Chicken broth is also said to be quite healthy. Remember the warm cozy feeling you had as a child when Mom gave you chicken soup or broth when you weren’t feeling well? It has the same effect when you’re cold and tired.


Foods Perfect for Warming Up on Cold Winter Days Part 2

When the days are short and the weather is frigid, we look for foods that are comforting. Often times these foods will sooth the soul, but they won’t warm the toes. Luckily, there are certain foods you can eat to help warm up your body temperature. There are also foods that should be avoided if you’re looking to warm yourself up on the inside and out. We’ll talk a bit about both.


Foods to Avoid in Winter


Not all foods are the greatest if warmth is what you’re after. There are some foods that should be avoided in order to stay toasty in the winter. First things first, remember not to overeat on a cold winter night. Overeating can jump start your metabolism which burns off the extra calories needed to keep the body warm. It can also extinguish digestive fires which help in fending off the chill.


Certain foods that should be avoided include:


  • White breads
  • Cucumbers
  • Too much butter
  • Cold drinks
  • Rice (especially at night)
  • Alcohol
  • Processed chips


These foods can also heighten metabolism and add to your blustery feeling.


These are just a few of the foods to eat and to avoid during those cold winter months. The next time you curl up in front of the TV with a warm blanket to fight off the winter chill, try snacking on a few of the foods listed above to help keep you warm. You might be surprised at how well it works.


Foods Perfect for Warming Up on Cold Winter Days Part 1

When the days are short and the weather is frigid, we look for foods that are comforting. Often times these foods will sooth the soul, but they won’t warm the toes. Luckily, there are certain foods you can eat to help warm up your body temperature. There are also foods that should be avoided if you’re looking to warm yourself up on the inside and out. We’ll talk a bit about both.


Foods that Warm the Body


Adding certain foods to your diet on a daily basis can make a difference in your body temperature. Some of these items may not come as a surprise to you, but others may have you asking yourself if they really do make a difference?


Nuts & Seeds


Peanuts and almonds are easy to incorporate into a diet. 10 soaked almonds or a handful of peanuts can give the body deep warmth that lasts.


Seeds such as sesame, pumpkin and fennel are great body warmers. Sesame seeds can be incorporated into many dishes, such as green beans or chicken. Pumpkin seeds are great as a snack when roasted. Fennel seeds can also be added to foods. These seeds are great for the digestive system and help to warm the body no matter how you choose to use them.


Spices & More


Cinnamon, cloves, ginger and pepper are warming spices. Ground cinnamon can be added to add flavor to many of our baked foods. Cinnamon sticks give a wonderful taste to many warm beverages, such as tea.  


Cloves are not only warming but they are a great mouth freshener. Because they have antiseptic properties, they not only help with bad breath, but can also keep other parts of your body healthy. Ginger can be added to soups or vegetables to help incorporate this spice into our daily diets.


Pepper just yells out warmth. Sprinkle a little pepper onto your foods in place of the extra salt.


Honey is effective when it comes to warming the body. Honey is a natural sweetener that can be added to just about anything sugar is used in. Honey is also great for the complexion.


Onions and garlic are easy to incorporate into most meals. These little gems not only help in keeping the body warm but can also be helpful in keeping the body healthy. Have a cold? Try a little garlic to open up those stuffy noses. Lowering cholesterol is also one of the benefits of garlic and onions.


Fruits & Veggies


Fruits and vegetables will also give the body the warmth it needs. Add a serving of fruits and vegetables to each of your meals every single day. It’s just what the doctor ordered. We all know fruits and vegetables are healthy, but when added to your daily diet in the winter time, they help to warm your entire body by boosting your immune system, blood flow and much more.