Balancing Ph levels, and Detox to Cleanse the Body Part 1

It’s now known that we should eat a wide variety of food types in order to achieve optimal nutrition. This is the idea behind, for example, the FDA food pyramid. It lays out the basic guidelines for eating a healthy and balanced diet, and now it is available online for you to customize and adapt to your own particular lifestyle and circumstances.

In looking at the Mediterranean diet and the Okinawan diet, we have also seen how a wide variety of natural foods, not heavily processed, can help achieve heart health and long life.

We may live in a bountiful country, but our eating habits have actually left us a less healthy nation than countries we would assume would have a ‘lower standard of living’ than we do here in the US.

From the very start, man ate a wide variety of different food products, most of them readily available on the ground. It could be dangerous, not to mention uncertain, to go out to hunt for meat. Later, meat was reserved mainly for special days, and for the wealthy. Many of the great cuisines of the world do not feature animal protein heavily, as compared with w wide variety of vegetables, rice, and noodles.

With the advent of modern convenience foods, we have lost the purity and freshness of the ingredients, thanks to the chemicals that are used to preserve them. They can build up toxins in the body, and in many cases can trigger allergic reactions. It is probably no coincidence that more people suffer allergies than ever before, as a result of their environment.

Although the body has its own way of removing unwanted toxins in the body, sometimes a build up of these harmful chemicals or acids are inevitable. This is because of the enormous amount of chemicals or acids found in the body, and a blockage of the cleansing processes needed to get rid of them.

Balancing Ph levels, and Detox to Cleanse the Body Part 2

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