The Naturally Raw Side of Foods Part I

Everyone at some point in their life has eaten raw foods. Raw foods are extremely healthy for you and are so simple to prepare. There are so many ways to incorporate them into your diet. Raw foods are filled with nutrients and vitamins our bodies crave.  Raw foods also are a time saver. They don’t require great deals of preparation which allows for more free time. Let’s find out all the possibilities there are when using raw foods.


Let’s start off by talking about some simple raw vegetables.

•    Lettuce can make salads or add lettuce to a sandwich giving ordinary things healthy flavor

•    Broccoli can be used as a dipper with ranch dressing or just eat it plain

•    Onions can be used to add flavor to any types of dishes

•    Tomatoes can be added to salads, sandwiches well almost anything

How about those raw fruits?

•    Apples can be eaten just as they are, used for fresh toppings or in a caramel dip

•    Oranges make any breakfast a treat and can be placed in drinks or on cereal

•    Grapes add a little extra to chicken salad, fruit salads or as a munchie in the middle of the afternoon

•    Bananas make great toppings for cereal or add a special touch to peanut butter sandwiches

•    Strawberries well they just speak for themselves

•    Other berries such as blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are also a grand addition to raw foods

There are many more fruits and veggies you can use.  Combine anything you would like to make drinks, main courses and even dessert. The sky is the limit when cooking with raw foods.

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