Letting Off Steam with Pressure Cooking Part II

The Pressures On

I’m sure some of you remember that awful noise your mom’s pressure cooker made. That ear popping rattling sound was anything but appetizing. Then your mom always ended up throwing her hands up when the food was popping up on the ceiling. Those days are long gone. Pressure cookers are designed today to create delicious meals in a short amount time with out all those hassles. It is now effective and user friendly.

Time is of the essence with a pressure cooker. Slow cookers take hours to cook. Ovens take at least an hour and sometimes two or three hours. Pressure cookers can cook those same meals in a matter of minutes.  The unique design allows you to cut cooking time in more than half. Everybody can appreciate a little less stress  in the kitchen. With a pressure cooker cooking on short notice is a breeze.

Pressure cookers cook at temperatures that are higher than the boiling point. The heat is always quickly and evenly scattered throughout the food. This type of cooking eliminates the chances of bacteria and that awful food poisoning.

There is no submerging the foods in water with a pressure cooker. All you need is just enough water to create steam. Less water means more vitamins and nutrients stay in the food and aren’t cooked away.  Being that everything is getting cooked in one area all the juices and flavors flow and melt together into one savory meal.

These are just a few things that make pressure cooking a good idea. Pressure cookers aren’t a scary way of cooking any more. They are economical and save time and money which is always a plus in anyones book.

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