Kid Safety in the Kitchen Part 2

Teach Proper Skills

Just like with lifting weights, learning to cook should only be done progressively by learning the basics and building on them. Just imagine how you would fare if you jumped right in and tried to cook a soufflé. My guess is it would probably end up as flat as a crepe.

Learning basic skills correctly the first time will save much time and energy later in life when more complicated skills are stacked on. For instance, it would be best to learn how to rough chop before you learned how to dice; and dice before you learn how to julienne. Crawling, then walking we learn everything in life by progressions, so why not keep the same mentality in the kitchen?

Keep Health in Mind

Health is an important aspect of safety in the kitchen. Without keeping health in mind, the kitchen can become a nightmare of a place. A person can wield substantial power in the kitchen, and looking at a majority of the world’s population, it seems as if health safety is not a priority in many cases.

There are many aspects to safety in the kitchen, ranging from knowing appropriate tasks to keeping a clean ship. Safety should always be top priority when in a kitchen and you should always keep an eye out for potential problem areas and correct them as soon as possible.

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