Health Benefits of Chocolate Part 2

People who eat chocolate, dark chocolate that is, also have lower blood sugar. Unlike other chocolate varieties, dark chocolate doesn’t spike blood sugar levels. This is a great thing because now you can eat dark chocolate, satisfy your craving and not crave any more afterwards.


What about your brain?


Chocolate helps there too. Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine. It acts like caffeine to give you a little “pick-me-up” when you need it.


Chocolate also triggers the brain to release those good feeling endorphins. You know the ones – they are accessed when you exercise. So, eating chocolate has a soothing effect on the brain, helping to reduce stress and improve clarity in the mind (even if only for a little while).


Don’t forget that over eating any food, especially chocolate, can have negative effects. In other words, we’re not suggesting you sit down and eat an entire box of candy bars. However, if you do, be prepared for the crash that will come once the sugar high is gone.


Who knew that chocolate was good for your heart and your mind? Will it replace the apple a day to keep the doctor away? Maybe not, but it is the sweetest way to help your health that we know of.


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