Growing your Own Pumpkins Part 1

When fall arrives, there are no shortages of places where someone in need can acquire a pumpkin. Boy scouts and other civic organizations sell from their stock or they buy pumpkins to sell to the public. Either way, they are plentiful.

One way to make a little cash during the months of September through November is to begin and maintain a pumpkin farm of your very own. One doesn’t need a twenty acre setup to grow pumpkins but time and attention along with patience are required.

It seems easy to grow something with such a solid rind but these beauties are temperamental. Unless they get what they want, their growth will be puny indeed. Start with good soil to nourish your pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are not put into the ground from the start. They are planted indoors in the spring. These humble beginnings give pumpkin seeds a fighting chance to germinate away from bugs and birds. Most growers plant more seeds than they need in case something unforeseen happens and some of the seeds or small pumpkins die.

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