Finding the Right Place to Shop Part 2

Depending on your shopping habits, and how much money you wish to save, should, at least somewhat factor in to your decision on where to shop. Many of the smaller cities still have a butcher, fish monger and even a local farmer’s co-op where many items can be purchased for a fraction of the cost. Larger cities, with a greater industrial industry seem to be moving away from these localized specialty shops for more of a bulk shopping club type store.

Fish Monger – For the seafood lovers out there, finding a fish monger to befriend can also aid in cost savings. The fish monger has the inside scoop as to what fish is the most fresh and can prepare different cuts depending on whether you are planning for sushi, a catfish fry or a high quality tuna steak. If you get to know the fish monger, he or she can also suggest new items that you may like, but would have never thought about buying in a local grocery store; they may just turn out to be your favorite type of seafood.

Local Produce – Between farm co-ops and local open-air markets, local produce is, almost always cheaper than buying from a store. Many shops import their produce, which means the goods are plucked from the ground or tree well before they are ready. This is done in hopes that by the time it is unpacked at the store, it is still in a semi-decent quality. Getting your produce from a local farmer will help support a local business as well as offer the freshest produce your money can buy. It is a win-win situation.

Take a look at your family eating habits and keep an open eye for local retailers who respect the food you eat, other than trying to make a dollar off of everything you buy. Your cooked meals will become the highlight of your day and will save you a bunch of money at the same time.

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