Eating for Energy Part 2

The body uses different nutrients to provide lasting energy at each stage of activity. Those who are generally more active must load up on the carbohydrates since they are the first nutrients to be turned into energy. Proteins are used for muscle recovery by allowing the body to produce some amino acids, which are not normally found in the body, but still required for active people. There are many different ways to eat in order to get the energy you need; it is as simple as figuring out what type of active life you are leading and how each nutrient works with or against you.

Substances That Support Metabolism

One of the main reasons the substances above create energy is that they supply stored energy, which is broken down by metabolism. When foods are broken down by metabolism, they release their stored energy and transfer that energy to our bodies. Of course, many people start to see a decline in their metabolism as they age, but there are a few substances to focus on to help support and maintain a healthy metabolism for a longer period of time.

Trace elements, salts and ions such as copper and iron are some of the minerals that help make up dietary minerals, which are necessary to assisting your metabolism.
Vitamins are a key to a healthy metabolism. As organic compounds, they usually act as coenzymes or cofactors to help break down various proteins in the body.

Water is the universal solvent, which means it helps break down almost every thing our body throws at it. Since our bodies are made up of over 70% water, it only makes sense that this is an essential part to maintaining a healthy metabolism.

By understanding what makes up stored energy and what breaks it down into usable piece, you can better understand how to eat correctly for the maximum energy. If you have any questions, there are numerous resources, from your family physician to the trainer at your local gym. Get with a licensed professional to help determine the plan that is best for you.

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