Easter Drinks For Young And Old Part 2

There are as many drinks to be made as there are Easter foods, but finding a themed beverage for your Easter dinner just got easier.

We’ve gathered a few of the most popular, with and without alcohol, for your choice of Easter libation to help boost your celebration.

For Young And Old Alike

These thirst-quenching beverages are sure to be a hit with everyone at your Easter celebration from toddler to grandma.


For Adults Only

Made with wine, champagne or harder alcohol these delightful cocktails are sure to please the adults at your Easter or spring time gathering.


1 fresh peach
Chilled Brut Champagne

In a blender, puree the peach. Pour the puree into a champagne glass and top with Chilled Brut Champagne. If peaches are out of season, frozen sliced peaches may be substituted.


3 oz Chilled Orange juice
3 oz Chilled Champagne

In a large chilled wineglass pour in your Orange Juice and top with the Champagne. Many like more or less juice or champagne, you can adjust the proportions accordingly.

White Wine Spritzer

Chilled White Wine
Club Soda

Mix the two together in your favorite wine glass for a light wine drink.

The Easter Bunny

1 1/2 oz. dark crème de cacao
1/2 oz. vodka
1 tsp chocolate syrup
1 tsp cherry brandy

Pour the crème de cacao and vodka into a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into an old fashioned glass with ice cubes. Float chocolate syrup and brandy on top.

The Jelly Bean

1/2 oz. blackberry brandy or grenadine
1/2 oz. anisette or sambuca
1/2 oz. Southern Comfort

Pour brandy/grenadine into a shot glass. Float anisette or sambuca on first level. Float Southern Comfort on second level.

The Easter Egg Cocktail

1 oz blue Curacao
1 oz. white crème de cacao
Half and half

Pour the blue Curacao and crème de cacao into an old fashioned glass with ice. Float half and half on top. Choose your favorite from the list above, search for something new or make a creation all your own. One thing is certain; your guests will be impressed when you serve one or more of these drinks.

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