What Cooking Builds Within Kids Part 2


Why exactly can toast never return to its former state? Inquiring minds want to know and the kitchen offers a great field for learning science. Learning how things work and react is great for building brain strength. The more you can understand how things work together and how different things can react with each other, the more you will be able to apply it to certain scenarios.


Problem solving is an important skill for anyone. Being able to think through a situation and come up with a solid plan on the fly is a skill that many people desire, but do not have. Being in the kitchen can help teach us to deal with many different problems at once. For instance, the gumbo is about to start burning, the stand mixer is about to be finished with the dough and the whip cream still needs to be made.

This type of reasoning will serve a child well later in life, trying to juggle tasks and people. Critical thinking is a skill that many people struggle to develop late in life, but instilling it early will have a significant outcome on how kids think about the world in which they live.

Cooking is more than just a fun activity. While it provides fun, it also builds necessary skills to help a child think and grow. These skills are not only limited to children, adults can begin to grow them as well, but getting them into children at an early age will help shape their world. So get cooking and build some of those necessary skills in yourself and your children.

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