Making Leftovers Count Part 1

Leftovers are the best things on the plant. Some might agree and others might want to gag, but leftovers are not just a doom sentence to devour the same food you had for the last three nights. Leftovers provide a healthy meal in an instant, or as quickly as they can be heated. They can also prove invaluable in your weekly cooking routine. Using leftovers saves you incredible amounts of money because it either reduces the cost per meal for your weekly tally or can be repurposed in a different dish to save green on your shopping trips.


Here are a couple examples of repurposing leftovers:


Meat – A staple of many households is ground meat. It is a perfect start to practice repurposing leftovers on. A couple pounds of ground beef can be used for hamburgers, then the next day for tacos and finally as an addition to spaghetti sauce or a warm crock pot of chili. Steaks are also great leftovers to utilize for a couple of days. Eaten first as a main dish with mashed potatoes and green beans, cut into strips to top a hearty salad and finally cut into chunks for stews or soups.

Holidays – Leftovers during holidays usually surmount into outrageous quantities. If you are getting tired of the same old turkey or ham sandwiches for the following week, try changing it up for breakfast. Combine the mashed potatoes, stuffing and diced meat in a pan creating a little creator for an egg. Pop it all in the oven for ten minutes on 350 degrees and you have a hearty egg in a nest for breakfast. This is a complete meal with your meat, grains and dairy. It’s also not a bad way to start a day off from the turkey hang-over from the night before.

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