It’s Mother’s Day – Where Ya Gonna Eat? Part 2

If you are going to try to get a table at a restaurant that doesn’t accept reservations think about having brunch –a popular choice- or eating during the off hours between lunch and dinner – usually 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to avoid larger crowds.


Of course, deciding on what type of restaurant to visit in another choice to be made. Do you think your mother would enjoy a buffet style restaurant, one with a limited menu or a restaurant serving their full menu for the day? Once you have figured that out you can move on to the cuisine your mom would like. Is she a fan of Mexican, Italian, German or French cooking? Perhaps she would prefer steak, seafood or sushi instead. When you have the answers to these questions then you can take steps to deciding where and when you will take your mother to her special Mother’s Day meal.


Of course, if your mother would really rather have a quiet meal at home with her family then it is possible that you just might have to go ahead and cook this Mother’s Day anyway.

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