Choosing Wines for your Valentine’s Day Dinner Part 2

White Wine


This wine goes well with several dishes. Your sweetie will be impressed that you know how to put wine together with food for the perfect complement to the Valentine’s Day meal.


If you like the taste of Chardonnay, they you have a tendency towards fruity flavors. There are many California chardonnays on the market if you prefer a U.S. wine. Choose from medium or full-bodied varieties.


White wine goes well with:

·         Pasta dishes

·         Chicken

·         Fish

For a lighter bodied white wine that includes a nuttier flavor, opt for a Sauvignon blanc or a white Zinfandel.


Red Wine

Red wine is an acquired taste. Choose from Merlot, Shiraz, Pinot Noir, Syrah, and Port. Red wines have a variety of flavors that range from light to full-bodied. There is a hint of fruit combined with bolder flavors like licorice, spice, and woodsy flavors.


If you plan on serving red meat or a stew, consider serving a red wine with the meal. Pinot Noir is also an excellent choice for chicken dishes, salmon, and pork.


What are you serving for dinner this Valentine’s Day? If you are going for the romantic touch and an eventful evening, serve some wine with your meal.

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