Factors That Affect Body Weight 7

Lifestyle Factors That CAN Be Changed For Weight Loss

The following factors affect weight and ARE under your control. So if you are worried about your weight, even small changes in these areas can add up to big results.

Dietary intake
Eating more calories than you expend is an important cause of obesity.As we have said, gaining one pound requires only 2000 excess calories, but losing the same pound means you have to burn 3000.

Once you realize this, you might never look at your chocolate cake or ice cream the same way again…

The plain fact is, you ARE what you eat. Regardless of your genetic predisposition to obesity or your resting metabolic rate, you can’t gain weight without consuming more calories than you burn.

Sadly, even small excesses in calorie intake can add pounds over the long term. For example, a person who overeats by just 25 calories a day will consume 9,125 excess calories over the course of a year and thus gain weight, unless they make up for it with more exercise. A woman weighing 125 lbs who starts this pattern at age 20 would weigh 200 lbs by the time she was aged 50.

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