Factors That Affect Body Weight 5

Metabolism continued

So it is important to remember that due to metabolism, weight loss or gain  is NOT a one-to-one ratio, as we thought. If a gained pound is equal to 2000 extra calories, a lost pound is equal to 3000.

This is bad news for all of us who thought we were not going to suffer the consquences of that little microwave chocolate cake that comes in at about 500 calories, or the fast food meal at over 700.  Or the coffee house beverage that comes in at a whopping 750, with MORE saturated fat than the fast food meal!

So successful weight loss is not just about watching what you eat. Your metabolism does have a part to play. However, as we will be discussing later, it is also all about making SMART choices about what you choose to spend your ‘calorie allowance’ on.

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