Pumpkin Festivals Part 2

Another feature of the pumpkin festival is the pumpkin carving aspect. Many people shop around for the perfect pumpkin to use for their festival creation. The designs work best on a pumpkin that is just the right size and shape for it.

Several categories exist in the contest. This heightens the competition since there can be more than one winner in more than one category. Some have created entire scenes on the face of a pumpkin.

The days of friendly snaggle-toothed faces on the front of the pumpkin are long gone in competition. The bar has been raised to include flaming pumpkins, gross looking pumpkins, pumpkins that resemble human faces, and elaborate pumpkin artistic scenes.

Besides the carving and the weighing is the eating. Pumpkin pie contests are another big attraction. Who can come up with the best pumpkin pie recipe? Afterwards, it’s time to eat and get stuffed just like one of those huge pumpkins.

Where are the pumpkin festivals in your area? Look it up on the web or the city’s website under “Events.” There is bound to be one close to attend with the entire family.

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