10 Strategies for Successful Weight Loss Part 8

Weight-Loss Strategy #8. Evaluate your personal relationship to food.
Behavioral and emotional cues frequently trigger an inappropriate desire to eat. The most common cues are habit, stress, boredom, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, and the use of food as a reward.
Many people also relate food to love or care and derive comfort from it.

Although eating may appear to soothe uncomfortable feelings, its effect is temporary at best, and ultimately does not solve any problems. In fact, it may distract you from focusing on the real issues you are facing.

The food feel good factor may also seem like a fast fix, but as we know, the long-term consequences to your health are hard to overcome.

Always do the math—it take only 2000 extra calories to put on a pound, but 3500 calories burned to lose one.

With both boredom and busyness can come mindless eating, so again, always make sure you have a healthy food choice with you, and avoid keeping large bags of chips, cookies, or other snacks in the house. If you don’t buy them in the first place, you will be much less likely to eat them.

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