Mayo Clinic Plan 1

Hospitals and weight loss plans seem to go together.  We figure that if health professionals come up with a diet it must be good.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case.  However, here is one of the better hospital type diet plans, the Mayo Clinic plan.
The Mayo Clinic plan is designed to be an overall good health plan that incorporates eating and exercise.  Both food and physical activity are important to create a complete health plan for a lifetime.
The Mayo Clinic plan functions as an alternative to other diet plans that are more fad than lifestyle change.
Health needs to be the main goal of any weight loss plan, not just looking fashionably slim (and since 60% of Americans are overweight, this would no longer appear to be the fashion.) Etra weight on the body puts more stress on the joints and back.
The Mayo Clinic plan helps to lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and the risk of more serious illnesses like heart disease and Type II diabetes.
We could all use a plan like that.  The goal of the Mayo Clinic plan is for dieters to live longer and better quality lives.
The plan is lenient as far as what not to eat.  It limits no foods.  When you tell someone that a food is “off limits” they zero in on it like a magnet even if they don’t really want it.  The fact that you said that it was prohibited that makes them seem to want it more.
On the Mayo Clinic plan, participants can eat as many vegetables and fruits as they want.  Fruits provide natural sugars that can stop the craving for other sweet treats.
Unlimited amounts of these two foods is an opportunity to branch out and try more exotic fare like star fruit, pomegranates, bok choy, and water chestnuts just to name a few.

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