Jenny Craig 1

This diet program is in the news again thanks to Kirstie Alley and her other celebrity friends who have tried it, like Valerie Bertinelli.  She’s been a spokesperson for the plan and has, herself, lost over seventy-five pounds. She even appeared in a bikini on national TV to show what the diet can help people dare to do.
Jenny Craig has been around for years but has seen a new surge in the past year or so, in part because of the celebrity endorsements, but also because it is a good program for busy people.
The plan involves teaching people the basis of good nutrition.  Learning how to view foods and what they are composed of, helps people to make better food choices and lose weight.  Members of Jenny Craig can chat with a dietician, get weighed, and receive advice at any one of a number of centers across the country.
Eating out is a favorite pastime of Americans.  At Jenny Craig, dieters are taught how to eat out and not sacrifice the weight loss and the good nutritional habits that they have discovered.
Jenny Craig also offers meals to the dieter which are calorie controlled, portion controlled, and healthy, and in part imitate a lot of what you will see in the Nutrisystem diet, for example. Our only qualms about that is many of these pre-pack meals are handy, but can be price-y, and also loaded with salt and preservatives.
Truthfully, we’ve tried them, and save the plastic containers, not only for recycle, but to make our own portioned meals to take with us, at a fraction of the cost and no control over the ingredients.
The Jenny Craig program does stress the importance of exercise along side a good eating plan.  Regular exercise will aid in the weight loss process, not to mention making the body grow stronger and healthier in the at the same time.

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