Grapefruit Diet 2

Grapefruit replaces the starch in the meal.  Most vegetables can be eaten because they have a low carbohydrate count and are low in calories.
Corn, lima beans, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are vegetables that in contrast have higher carbohydrate counts and so should be substituted with green leafy vegetables.  Salads and lean meat can be added for lunch and dinner.
Not many calories are consumed on this diet.  But keep in mind that when calorie consumption falls below 1,000, it is hard for the body to work properly.  This is too few calories for basic cellular function.
Remember that if the body perceives that it is in starvation mode, it will hold on to those fat stores and extra weight will be that much harder to get rid of.
You need to consume enough calories, and keep burning more, for rapid weight loss, which you can use as the stepping stone to get more fight and healthy and lose more weight sensibly over time. It is a good diet for people who want rapid results.
Twelve days may be too long for this plan.  Without enough calories, it becomes hard to concentrate.  Tiredness and dizziness can become a problem.  In essence, it is dangerous to make this kind of drastic change to the body for a long time.
Let the grapefruit diet go the way of other fad diets.  If special events come up often, look for a weight loss plan that offers permanent weight loss.  Eat grapefruits at breakfast when you feel like it, not just because many say it will aid in quick weight loss.
Also keep in mind that grapefruit has an effect on the way you metabolize some medications. In some instances, it makes the medicine more potent, while in others, in can interfere with absorption in the bloodstream if you take the medicine with grapefruit or grapefruit juice, and this effect can last for up to two hours after you have consumed the grapefruit.
So if you do decide to opt for the grapefruit siet, don’t take your medications within that two hour window.

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