Body for Life Part 2

Dieters on the Body for Life plan eat six small meals a day as opposed to three bigger meals.  Eating more often keeps the body’s metabolism high.
Carbohydrates like potatoes and rice are recommended.  With all of the exercise you will be doing, you will need all of the energy that you can get.  Portion control is the key to having the right balance of food on your plate at each meal.
The program is designed to run for twelve weeks.  Exercise sessions should last at least forty-five minutes per day.
For those who find it difficult to find the time, morning sessions may be the least intrusive than afternoon or evenings.
Simple exercises like walking, running, jogging, and elliptical training work well because it is easy to vary the intensity of the workout when needed.
If plenty of exercise is not a problem for you, then this plan has your name written all over it.  You will be hungrier because of the increased activity, so it is more important to control portions to avoid overeating.
According to the plan, if you can handle the hectic schedule for just twelve weeks, you can remake your body and your life.
But it is not for the busy person, and we have to wonder at all that exercise, when it has been proven by scientists that 4 10 minute work outs a day are just as effective as one sustained 40 minute session.

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