Start Eating Properly to Boost Your Metabolism Part 1

This may seem like an odd piece of advice considering your goal is to lose weight.

But the fact is, you have to eat in order to keep your metabolism running in an optimal manner. Are you skipping breakfast in order to cut back on calories and lose weight? Bad battle plan, soldier.

Let’s work out a better plan of attack together, and we can show you just why you need to eat, when you should eat, and what you should eat.
Remember that not eating sends your body into survival mode, right? It believes you are starving and so slows down your metabolism in order to conserve its stores.
So let’s say you’ve been asleep for 8 hours. You didn’t have anything to eat for two to three or more hours before you went to bed last night. Now your body has been without food for about 11 or 12 hours.
If you skip breakfast, you’re adding more time to the starvation mode, and your body is starting to whimper and wonder where its fuel is, and if it’s ever going to get fed again. It will wonder if it should start conserving stores because starvation is just around the corner?
You’ve got your whole metabolism all in an uproar, and that’s NOT a good thing.
Now, what happens if you go to bed, get up and eat a healthy breakfast? You have, in essence, broken your fast. You’ve been fasting for ten or more hours, and now it’s over. Your little soldiers can relax and get back to their normal duty, which is burning calories instead of storing them.
So to keep your metabolism purring along at a good rate, eat small meals and eat them often during the day. Research has shown that breaking down the traditional three meals a day into six smaller meals, spaced evenly throughout the day, will result in a boost to your metabolism.

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