Handling your Guinea Pig

Handling your Guinea Pig

Many people don’t realize how important it is to handle their pet guinea pig, and to do so often. Do so very carefully though, as they flip and twist their bodies when frightened or nervous and could fall. A fall, even from a low height, can harm him very badly. When a guinea pig is not handled often, he becomes a bit wild, and the longer it has been since he has been handled by a human, the harder it is to convince him to be handled at all. It is much like a tame horse who goes for long periods of time without a rider – he becomes harder to saddle, and harder to handle.

Ideally, you should start out by handling your guinea pig once a day, for a short period of time. He may not like it at first, but he will gradually get used to it, and you will eventually be able to handle him for longer periods of time, several times each day. During the initial handling, do so on or close to the floor or a large bed, reducing the chance of a fall. Also, you will want to put down an old blanket or something you don’t value too much – being new, or a baby, he will not yet know where it is okay to relieve himself.

You might want to start by not actually picking the guinea pig up. Instead, when he is lying still, take the time to stroke him, so that he gets used to your touch. Don’t try to force him to stay where you can pet him. If he wants to move away from you, allow him to do so.

Once he allows you to pet him for extended periods of time, you should try holding him at least once a day. Again, don’t force him to him to stay in your arms. This may not only harm him, but could make him become fearful of you. This is the beginning of your bonding time with him.

It is easy to tempt a guinea pig with treats. Unfortunately, this isn’t really an ideal method for getting it adjusted to being handled. You will find that the guinea pig may accidentally nip your fingers when you are holding treats. The best way to avoid this is to use care when hand feeding the guinea pig. Holding the treat with its furthest end from his mouth is best. Actually, occasional treating, much like with a dog, can help in the bonding process.

Talk to your guinea pig often, especially when petting or feeding him so that he learns how to recognize your voice. Talk in a calm, soothing manner, and he will actually start listening for your comforting voice when he feels frightened or lonely. Also, by being used to the sound of your voice, he will be much easier to handle if you talk to him while doing so.
It is vital that you remember that guinea pigs scare easily. If you frighten him while he is sleeping, he could actually suffer a heart attack and die. Their heart valves will clamp closed from the shock.   Never ‘sneak up’ on a guinea pig as this could badly scare or startle him, and even create a setback of the bonding you have been working so hard on. Always start talking to him long before you actually touch him.

Finally, remember that the guinea pig is a small, fragile creature. Make sure that you handle him gently, and that children are supervised at all times.  When you pick him up, gently place one hand around his shoulders, and slide your other hand under him. Make sure that he is fully supported by your hand before you take his weight.

Once you lift him, bring him close to your body, so that he feels secure. Don’t hold him like a baby – tummy up. Instead, hold him with his tummy facing the floor. Never squeeze the guinea pig, as this can cause life threatening injuries.

If you allow children to hold your guinea pig, they should sit down, and you should hand them the guinea pig, by placing it in their arms. Never leave a child unattended with a guinea pig, as they could cause injury to the animal without meaning to.

Guinea pigs can be delicate, but treated gently, they will thrive on your attention.

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