Buying from breeders versus Rescuing A Pet Part 14

So who is to blame? Breeders or owners?

Owners who adopt a cute little puppy or kitten without researching how a dog thinks, the type of pet they are getting, the care, time and responsibility it will need, are to blame.

When they “Get Rid” of the pet after it has outgrown that cute puppy or kitten stage, using one of the many common excuses for not keeping a pet, or don’t spay or neuter their pet, it is they who are causing the world’s pet overpopulation and leaving their mess for everyone else to clean up.

There are millions of excellent dogs and cats in pounds and rescues. These animals are not “reject” animals, but animals who were unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of people who decided they didn’t want the responsibility, those who did not research the type of pet they were getting and those who didn’t treat the dog like a dog, but rather a human, which always causes behavior problems, sometimes major ones.

Each and every day these animals are killed, simply because there are not enough homes, not enough rescues, not enough man power, to keep them all alive, because each day more pets are brought in.

Each and every one of us who want to adopt a pet should look into rescue first, not buying from a breeder. Don’t necessarily choose a puppy, but an older dog whose habits are known.

If you really must get a puppy, research it thoroughly, and if you really must get a puppy from a breeder and pay money for it, always use a reputable breeder and make sure you meet BOTH puppy parents. Otherwise it is probably a puppy mill puppy.

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