Thinking Of Getting A New Puppy?
Make Sure That You’re Prepared to Put in the Effort to Train and Socialize It
Part 2 of 2
Puppy ownership is incredibly rewarding, but not much different from having a baby–in fact, a four-legged infant with sharp teeth can be even more of a challenge!
No matter what skill you are trying to teach, rewarding you puppy with tons of praise and even some little treats, is the best way to teach them right from wrong.
Dogs are pack animals who look up to the ‘alpha’ or lead dog in the pack, in this case, you as the main owner. The submissive pack puppy learns its pecking order, and its value within the pack. You don’t want it to be too submissive or timid, but you also don’t want it to feel that you are not in charge. Then it will try to take over as the alpha, especially if the puppy is male, and might become aggressive. So rewards and praise, but also some tough love, will keep your puppy secure and happy in his pack.
Everyone wants to be the proud owner of a very well behaved puppy, but most people don’t understand or put in the consistent effort with training that is required. A bit every day, and in each situation in your daily routine, is far more effective than trying to do a few hours at the weekend. The puppy needs to get consistent messages throughout the day, and also needs to get consistent messages from everyone in the family as to what is good and what is naughty.
Some people try to have their puppies trained by a professional, but they need to also be trained themselves in that circumstance, again, because the messages the puppy receives have got to be consistent.
If you are going to try to train the puppy yourself, make sure you read as much as you can on the internet, and get a good dog training guide, preferably one with illustrations, such as Maran’s. Make sure all the adults in the family read it, and if you have children, make sure that you go over the pictures with them and explain what their own behavior should be with the puppy.
They should never be left alone with the puppy, and should not be allowed to go in or around the puppy’s crate. It is okay to have them help with chores like feeding and giving the dog water, but again, they should be supervised. some dogs can have issues related to food and water or bones and treats, and get a bit snappy. They can also just want to chew or bite anything in sight, or that moves. They don’t mean any serious harm, but they should not be permitted to nip or chew on any human body parts.
These are just a few of the things that everyone who owns a puppy should remember. Most of these are commonsense, but it is surprising how few people are willing to discipline their puppy. It is not cruel or unnatural, it if for everyone’s safety. Learning just a few basics on dog training will really help to prevent any bad behavior.
A little bit o time and a great deal of consistency will go a long way toward getting the kind of puppy, and eventually adult dog, that will be trustworthy, loyal, and a pleasure to be around.
You will have the opportunity to show off your dog training skills to all of your friends and family, who will all be very impressed by your puppy’s good manners. You will be able to walk down the street easily without any barking, toughing, or face offs with other dogs, and will also be able to travel with your dog companionably.
There are many different books and other resources available that can teach you even more about dog training and all of the different dog training techniques. Start with the basics, and remember, they are just like an infant, with every day exposing them to new things they have never seen before, new learning experiences, new people. The simple things you teach are the foundations for your new little friend getting the best dog behavior training possible, so if you study well, and teach well, your puppy will be the most happy and eager to please student and friend you could hope for.