The Palin joke is unfair to pit bulls

I reserve the right to defend pit bulls on the grounds that they have an unfair reputation.

Yes, SOME of them are TRAINED to be killers, trained mostly by men, it has to be said, for the purpose of entertainment, dog fighting, which Michael Vick was convicted of, not too long ago.

Similarly, Rottweilers were trained by the Roman Army to fight and kill. Why do they not have the same reputation as pit bulls, or worse, since they killed people, versus pit bulls killing prey.

Bulldogs were used for bull baiting, where the pack of dogs would attack, and would literally bite onto the nose of the bull with their odd shaped jaws and face and SUFFOCATE the bull to death.

Terriers, Latin terra, earth, for digging up vermin on farms and killing them.

However, over 17,000 Irish terriers gave their lives in the trenches in WWI, where they wwere used to keep down the rats in the trenches, and as messenger dogs, rescue dogs finding wounded on the battlefield, and as loving companions.

So, viciousness and aggression is NOT the dog’s nature, it is the nature of the human being training it to have those attributes. anyone who has seen Animal Planet will see the way some of these poor animals are treated before they are rescued.

They can also be man’s best friend. I have known many many gentle pit bulls. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

So all this talk of pit bulls is reinforcing an unfair stereotype.

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