Online Pet Resources 1

You don’t have to get in your car and drive to the library to research puppies or dog training.  On the weekend, or whenever you and your family are all in one place, gather around the computer to research more about your beloved pet. Here are some Internet resources that provide all you ever wanted to know about puppies. Check out the Internet site sponsored by the humane society.  Type the address into your browser.  This site offers information on all animals not just puppies.  If you are trying to decide if you can handle a puppy in your life, look here first.   Free articles offer information on subjects ranging from what you need to know before adopting a pet, to how to choose a veterinarian.   

When you have decided to get a dog, it’s important to know what breed of puppy works best for you.  There are sites on the Internet that are dedicated to dog breeding information.  They can help you in your search. One such site is the Dog Breed Information Center.  Their website address is  This site lists the names of various dog breeds, along with pictures and statistical information.  If you aren’t acquainted with breeds, you can search according to size.  The information found there is concise, but thorough.  Find out about the life expectancy of various breeds, adult habits, health issues, breed background, and grooming needs.   This particular website is a one stop shop when it comes to learning more about various puppies.  They also offer general articles on puppy and adult dog care. Once you get your puppy, the learning doesn’t stop there.  Every day you are likely to have questions about your new puppy’s care or some odd behaviors that you notice.   Life with your new puppy or dog will be an adventure, and you want to give it the best care possible.  You can find plenty of information regarding your new companion at the following places.

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