Natural Flea Control Part 5

Know your flea
They are not only able to breed rapidly, they are tough and tenacious and know how to survive. “Flea season” tends to be when the temperature is between their preferred 65 and 80 degrees and the humidity is 75 to 85 per cent. For some areas of the country, this is all year, while in other parts of the USA, the flea season is relatively short.

It is estimated that for every adult flea found on the pet, there are about 10 developing fleas in the pet’s environment. To entirely solve your flea problem, you must eliminate ALL stages of the flea life cycle on your pet, in your home, and in your garden.

And even if you kill all the adult fleas, there are still flea larvae waiting to hatch, so they are sure to return unless you are vigilant and follow a maintenance system all season long, not just during the so-called flea season.

Flea protection is an ongoing battle, but there are some useful strategies you can adopt for pet and household care which should go a long way toward Natural Flea Control. We will deal with some of them in the next section of this article.

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