Rover is a common name for a puppy, with very good reason-they often wander away from their owners. We’ve noticed this is particularly true of male puppies.
Therefore, you might want to consider enrolling in a plan like Home Again, to microchip your dog with a small identification chip between its shoulder blades under the skin.
It is a safe, painless, quick and inexpensive procedure you can do at the vet. Then the only other going cost is the yearly membership, which is currently about $20 per year.
Your contact information is stored on the microchip, and can be reprogrammed and be read with the vet’s special reader. In case the puppy is ever lost or stolen, it can be returned to you easily.
We have had some friends actually have their pedigree puppies stolen right out of their back yard in broad daylight. They were eventually returned thanks to having been microchipped. A great number of shelter animals are now being microchipped as well in order to ensure their safe return to their loved ones, and to encourage responsible dog ownership.
Why would any one steal a puppy, you might ask. Well, some people just want a dog in that breed, and would be willing to pay anything for it, papers or no papers. Many other puppy thieves will issue false pedigree papers. Still more unscrupulous people will have them grow up to be breeders in puppy mills. Click here for more information on puppy mills.
Pedigree puppies are BIG business—be vigilant about your puppy’s care and safety, and make sure it does not fall prey to puppynappers. Microchip your puppy so you can have a long and happy and stress-free life together.
Also see the article on puppy mills at this site.