Congratulations! Your new kitten or cat will be a fun addition to the family, and is a relatively low maintenance pet.
But toilet training your new pet, and getting it used to its new home, is a must.
You’ll want to make sure there is no nonsense when it comes to her litter box and adapting to you and your family’s routine.
When bringing kitty home for the first time, welcome her in ways that will make her feel comfortable. Consider these easy tips to keep her happy in her new home, and you’ll have an easier time with her care.
How to succeed with toilet training your new arrival
* Keep her in one room initially (with litter, food and water) before letting her roam the whole house.
* Create an easy bed by putting together some old clothing and a pet bed in a quiet location. They cat will start getting used to your scent from the clothes.
* Litter supplies are a must if you want a well trained cat. You will need a roomy litter pan they can turn around in easily, filled with about 3 to four inches of fresh litter, preferably unscented. Do not use clumping litter with kittens. They can eat it and get an intestinal blockage. You will also want a rug or tray for when they step outside the box, and a scooper, and a handy trash can with a plastic bag and spare bags close by.
* Some cats prefer a hooded litter box and others like a more open pan. Feel free to experiment with your cat. Be careful with the automatic scooper litter pans, as they can be scary, especially for your kittens, or seen as an object to be played with.
* Keep the litter box in a place that’s convenient, yet out of the way of your family’s line of traffic and quiet for kitty. Do not let other cats near kitty for the first few days.
* If it is a very young kitten, get an old sweatshirt and a hot water bottle and a clock that ticks. It will be warm, snuggly, and not feel so lonely without its mommy and litter mates.