Once you have decided upon a particular pet, whether it’s a puppy, kitten, or other animal suitable for young children; even before the animal comes home for the first time, parents need to sit down with the children and talk to them about responsibility and care of the new pet.
You will need to buy the basics for the pet, so have everyone help so they know the basic essentials of caring for the pet.
Some kids are unreliable when it comes to new pets. For the first few months they pamper the pet, play with the pet, and thoroughly enjoy the new addition to the family.
Inevitably, however, as children grow, they become bored with the pet, and the responsibility of taking care of it falls in the parents’ lap.
Owning a pet is a permanent commitment that an entire family has to agree upon, and it is for the life of the pet, not just for when it seems convenient.
Pets offer so much unconditional love, it is unfair to do any less in return. All they want in return is to be dutifully cared for, fed, walked, hugged, and loved.
They can bring immense joy and happiness to a family, provided they are ready to share their lives with the pet.
Which is why deciding if your family is ready for a pet requires thoughtful consideration, research, and an open dialogue among all family members. Everyone in the family needs to contribute to the wellbeing of the pet, so everyone in the family needs to be part of the decision making process as to whether or not your family is ready for a pet.