Irish Terrier Appearance
The Irish Terrier has a distinctive appearance, with a long and slightly rectangular muzzle. He is a medium sized dog, with a sturdy build and an inquisitive expression.
The weight of the Irish Terrier is around 25-27 pounds, and reaches around 18-20 inches in height. The coat of these dogs has a wiry, mildly harsh texture, and the coloring of the Irish Terrier is red (various shades) or wheaten. His ears are small and folded, falling forward from near the top of the head, adding to his alert and curious expression.
He is a strong, sturdy dog, with a full row of teeth. They kill their vermin prey by throwing them over their shoulders to snap their necks.
Irish Terrier Grooming
The grooming requirements for the Irish Terrier are moderate, and you will need to ensure that his coat is brushed and combed on a weekly basis to keep it in good condition. It tends to be very short and straight.
Pet Irish Terriers may need to be clipped every few months, and show dogs will need to have the dead coat stripped several times a year. You can tell if it is dead because it turns white.
Also, check the teeth and ears of the Irish Terrier regularly for cleanliness and to reduce the chances of infection and health problems. With proper grooming, this breed is a low shedder, which means that he could prove ideal for those with allergies.
Again, keep an eye on the teeth if they are teething as a puppy, since they will get a strong full set almost like human teeth, with the long incisors. You do not want them to ever nip or chew on any human parts. Always give them plenty of sturdy, dog proof toys-they will shred stuffed animals, but hard rubber and rope pulls are very good. We used homeopathic baby tooth gel when they were teething to help ease the pain of them breaking through the gums.