Great vet

Dr Yakov Sheynberg, Sheepshead Bay Vet Group,

2006 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11229

Great vet, have been with him for many years with many pets, dogs and cats. Sometimes there can be a wait if you come in with an emergency, but when we have an appointment it is smooth sailing, and they are there from about 10 AM to 8pm every day.

We met them when they were covering shifts at the local emergency vet’s practice, and were so impressed, we switched vets at once, and have been with them ever since.

 He and his junior are very good diagnosticians. They recently managed to save the life of my 13 year old cocker spaniel when it had pyometra, which they caught very early.

 They also give multi-pet and senior citizen discounts. They always make clear what they are charging for, and if they do additional tests they feel they need to make an accurate diagnosis, they don’t even charge for it.

I have noticed a ton of comments about other vets that say they are only in it for the money. That is DEFINITELY NOT the case with this group. Dr. Sheynberg and Dr. Lutansky are genuine animal lovers. When Dr L sees my cocker spaniel, it is like there is no other pet in the room, he is so glad to see her.

It is not the world’s most fancy set of offices, but they do excellent surgery, and have a proper oxygen cage for post-surgical treatment. 

I  know because my brother donated it after he went to the Animal Medical Center in the city, where he was living, instead of to Sheynberg, and they failed to diagnose the cat in time at the AMC, despite being such supposed experts, and it died. We later diagnosed it as the disease animals get from inhaling pigeon droppings.

 My brother bought the expensive cage the AMC told him to get, then had no cat. So he donated it to the practice that had done so much to help so many of our pets.

 So Dr Sheynberg and his colleagues are to be commended as well as recommended.


If cost is a consideration, and it is nowadays, here is some helpful advice so you don’t end up spending more than you have to at the vet.

As a general rule, vets do tend to make their profits on medications and herbal supplements, so if money is a consideration, ask if there are human alternatives, or go on line to get your pet meds more cheaply, such as at places like 1800 Pet Meds.


Comparison shop for sure. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for a prescription.


For instance, our cat has to take fiber. Instead of 30 fiber capsules for about $18, buy psyllium seed and sprinkle it on their food for about $4.59 for a 3 month supply at Vitamin Shoppe.


We also get our meds in Canada.  We would have to pay $400 a month for Pulmicort for our dog from our local pharmacy,  but the Canadian pharmacy lets me have it for about $40 a month, and gives me a bigger discount the more I order.


Not all Canadian pharmacies will dispense medications for pets unless they have a certified vet in the company.  I have used both RX Care Canada and Jan Drug, and the prices, shipping, and handling have all been more than reasonable, and them very efficient and friendly. I  have been doing it over a year now, and have not had any trouble.


A lot of human meds are used for animals, so like I said, with everyone being on a budget these days, talk to your vet about lower cost options if they need medicines.

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