Don’t Pick a Pet on Looks Alone 1

If you have decided to adopt a pet, don’t pick your puppy on the basis of looks and seeming personality alone.

Let’s face it, it’s difficult to look into the eyes of any puppy or kitten, or a sad pet pining for a home in a shelter, and not fall instantly in love with it.

However, the reality is that not all pets are equal in terms of breed and suitability for your home. So the utmost care should be taken when deciding what type and breed of pet to choose. After all, it is not just the safety and well-being of your family at stake, but that of the pet too.

One of the most heart rendering shows on TV is called “Animal Precinct.” It is set in different cities around the country, and deals with dogs and cats that have been abandoned by their owners.

In some cases they may be kept in pens, in homes, or chained outdoors. They are subject to cruelty, and the most horrific conditions any living creature should have to endure.

Fortunately, every day in this country these animals are rescued and immediately taken to shelters where they are cared for and await adoption – hopefully.

Unfortunately, because there are so many unwanted pets, the ones who are old, would require a lot of medical care, or don’t score well on their adoptability tests, are often saved just to be put down because they are believed to be un-adoptable or unsafe for families.

For example, any dog showing signs of food aggression (as in trying to take their bowl away from them while they are eating, or movement near the bowl) has a definite black strike against him. Dogs not good with children would be another example.

The dogs that are offered for adoption are carefully assessed prior to adoption to be sure that they will be as safe as can be predicted within your family. They should tell you if the animal has any special medical needs or health issues, or problems with cats, dogs, or other pets.


Pet Safety in Summer and Warm Weather

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