Cavy Care: Is A Guinea Pig Right For You? 3

Cavy Care: Is A Guinea Pig Right For You? 3


When looking at guinea pig cages, you need to find one that will allow
enough room for movement and play. Guinea pigs like to stay hidden
when they sleep, so make sure that your cage has a place which is
quiet and dark where they can hide, but which you can also access
easily for cleaning.

A plastic or wooden structure like a house inside the cage is always a
good idea.

You will also want to add some sort of bedding to the bottom of your
guinea pig cage for easy cleanup. Line the bottom of the cage with a
plastic bag and some newspaper and change the box at least once a

There should be high quality bedding for guinea pigs, such as straw, at
your local pet shop, so the guinea pig can make a nest for itself.
Cedar chips are not recommended.

You also want to include a large water bottle for your guinea pig. If
you have two guinea pigs, consider getting two water bottles. Guinea
pigs love to drink water, so make sure that you give them plenty of
fresh water every day.

Some experts recommend adding vitamin C drops to their water. This
works well for some guinea pigs. However, some guinea pigs do not like
the taste and will not drink the water. If you do decide to add
vitamin C drops to their water, make sure they are staying hydrated
throughout the day. If you choose not to include vitamin C drops with
their water, you can supplement their diet with fresh fruits and

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