Let’s face it, when the bad weather comes, we all start feeling a bit weather-beaten, but just think of your poor dog out in the bad weather. Here are some great Skin and Paw Care tips for winter from the […]
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More great advice for a pet friendly winter
This is from the ASPCA, on how to keep your pets safe and healthy in winter weather. Keeping Pets Safe in Winter Weather
Continue reading »10 tips for a pet-friendly winter
Here is great advice on how to help keep your pet safe this winter. From the dangers of anti-freeze and rock salt, to what to feed your pet at this time of year, you’ll find great advice here: 10 Winter […]
Continue reading »Shocking statistics
a.. 70,000 puppies and kittens are born every day in the U.S. b.. Between four million and six million pets are euthanized every year because they are homeless. c.. That means between 11,000 and 16,000 pets are euthanized every day […]
Continue reading »Are your pet’s toys toxic?
Here is a super article from the ASPCA about the possible hidden dangers of your dog and cat toys!http://www.aspca.org/news/tri-state/10-16-09.html
Continue reading »Get Rid of Fleas on Puppy
When you have pets that live both indoors and outdoors, you run the risk of fleas. Fleas not only attack your pets, but also the other people living in the house. Here are a few ways to rid your puppy […]
Continue reading »Where to Get your Puppy 6
If you work with registered breeders, your kennel club will most likely offer health and dog insurance in case of accident or loss. With pet shops or side-of-the-road breeders, you may not know what you are getting until it is […]
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